Thursday, January 31, 2013

Origami Owl

So those of you that know me, probably know I'm a sucker for direct sales.
I love 31 purses and totes, I have a Scentsy in every room, I don't think anybody makes better beer bread than Tastefully Simple, Creative Memories and Close To My Heart oh yes sign me up.  I sold Pampered Chef and Partylite long ago. You name it, I'll go to a party and sure thing I'll sign up to have one at my house. 
So when my sister-in-law starting selling something called "Origami Owl" and posted about it on Facebook I checked it out immediately. 

 After the initial "OMG Allison like you need another hobby/job/thing to do" I fell in love.
Yup you guessed it, texted her my order pretty much right away. 
 Today when I got home there was a cute little box sitting on my doorstep. 
And after getting over the fact that our furnace wasn't working and it was 59 degrees in our house, (it's fixed now, no worries) I tore it right open.
I should say too that this isn't the box that was actually on my doorstep, this cute box was inside another more heavy duty box, of course.
 Allison didn't warn me how DANG CUTE THE PACKAGING IS!!
 I want some of these cards to hand out to random people out in public. 
Make Today Awesome!
 The business card above had the inspector and packers name on the other side and that was in the bottom of the box.  Then my jewelry came in the cute little bag.

 Heres the actual jewelry that I bought.  I went with the chain and tags.  There are so many things on the website to pick from.  I bought three seperate items.  The "family" tag, the heart accent, and the black onyx jewel. 
I do love it, its totally me.  In fact I already texted her today to ask for a couple more pieces. 
This would be such a cute gift to send to someone. 
Now that you've seen what I ordered you need to go to the website.
There are products called "living lockets" that I think is their big thing.  You buy a locket and put all sorts of little charms in them.  And there are a ton of them.
That will be my next buy.
Allison has a facebook page too so you can "friend" her and get more information.
The story of the company is pretty cool to, go read all about it.
A teenage girl started it, pretty cool, and her names Bella, adorable!
I feel the need to sell this stuff....not because I need something else to do but because
And I want to be the one to sell it to you lol!
I'll let you know when Allison is coming down to do a party for me!
This is a picture that I downloaded off google, just so you can see what the living lockets look like.
So cute!


  1. Your necklace is amazing!!!! I love the accents your choose!!!! Can't wait to do a party for you!!!

  2. I love it! Can't wait for the party. I'll probably HAVE to book one at yours!
