Saturday, January 5, 2013

So I've been reading blogs this morning.  Most of them are about the New Year and making resolutions.  This one won't be.  I don't make them, I used to but I never kept them and who needs that added stress in their life.  Certainly not me....
I have noticed that I only posted 71 times last year.  I went months without posting, then I would get on a roll and post everyday for a week.  I can't seem to make this blog a habit.  Perhaps because I write in so many other places...
I scrapbook and journal in those,
I have a "memory box" that I got several years ago and I like to write updates in there,
I update on facebook and twitter on a regular basis,
and my mom and I pass a notebook back and forth that I write in.
So with all of those sometimes sitting down to a computer and finding something to write about isn't always easy.  For a little bit last year I was super excited to get followers.  When I was up to 13 I thought I was big stuff, until I noticed on another Big Blog that she has over 13 thousand followers.  Good God what would I have to say that 13 thousand people want to hear about.  So I'm content with my 13 followers (Im pretty sure only 3 or 4 read regularly) and I'll continue to blog when I get the chance.  Mostly to post pictures or bitch about something I'm not happy about. 
So no New Years resolution about posting more, no resolution to post more than 71 times this year, nope not at all. 

1 comment:

  1. super cool that you pass a journal back and forth with your mom. love that.
