Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How Cute is He!!

How wrong is it that I can't wait for Sarah to ask me to take her and her friends to a concert.
I wish she was concert going age now so we could go see this little cutie.
I've heard his songs on the radio just didn't know what he looked like.
So I googled him
and I asked Sarah
"Do you know who this is"
Her response
"Moooommmmmmm thats Justin"
Me "WHAT? How do you know who he is?
Sarah "I love to watch his videos on utube"
me "WHAT?" (note to self, monitor Sarah's use of the computer better)
I didn't even know who he was, let alone that Sarah loved him.
So hopefully when shes ready for her first concert there will be a cute little kid like Justin so I can pretend that its totally putting me out to have to take her but inside I will be so excited to see him too.
Until then I'll have to join Sarah for some utube watching mother/daughter bonding time.


  1. i can see the cuteness of this kid, but he talks like a little hoodrat and don't really think she should love him. haha but that is just the opinion of her other mother.

  2. Usher gave him a Range Rover for his 16th birthday-this year-...take from that what you will...

  3. I take from that, Sarah would be one rich woman if she found a man/boy like that lmaooooo
