Friday, April 6, 2012


House training, ugh...I don't know if I can do this.
Two steps forward and four puddles of pee backwards.
I swear I put him out, hang out with him outside for like 15 minutes, bring him in and he squats.
There are no signs. He can be walking along looking cute and whoop there it is!~
And honestly the pee is worse than the poop. The poop is no bigger than two inches, the pee is barely a puddle but I'm afraid of the smell. I don't think it smells but what if my house starts to smell like a pet store and I don't know it. What if friends come over and then leave and say to each other "Did you smell Nicole's house? It smells like urine!"
In no way whatsoever do I regret getting him, he's so precious. I just am not enjoying the puppy training.
He also likes to disappear. He's so little that he can fit anywhere. It seems like I find myself saying "Has anyone seen the puppy?" several times a day. The response is usually "no" and I usually find him (and a puddle) in the front room. I think it's time for a family sit down. Time for everyone to realize that we need to be serious about this puppy training.
Pray for me, and Tucker lol!

1 comment:

  1. I promise to ALWAYS tell you if i start to smell tucker pee!
