Saturday, November 7, 2009


This will probably be one of those post that you'll want to skim pictures sorry. Currently I am sitting at my in-laws house typing this on their acient computer. Seriously I can't believe it even works.
That being said, I love being here. I love their house, the coziness of it. Although they did get rid of their comfy couch and got a really uncomfortable "fancy" looking one. I'll post pictures when I get home. It's been a great weekend. We got here last night and pretty much right away went to grandpa tony's. If you've ever been to Bay City or ever drive through you have to go there. They have the yummiest food, italian of course. Joel and Jolie met us there and I received a birthday present. The warmest fuzziest pajamas ever, I love them. When we got home Nana had made me a birthday cake, carrot, hmmmm it was so good. They put 35 candles on it, yes all 35, it looked like a fire in a pan when they brought it out to me, once again I will post pictures later. Then more presents!! For the rest of the night we just hung out. Actually I think that everyone was in bed by 10. This morning Nana and Papa left for Manistee so it was just us and Joel in the house. We got up pretty early and went over to my grandmas house. She is suffering from dementia right now so I was worried how she would be. I was so relieved that she seemed ok. My dad was there for a little bit and my Uncle Gary is here from CA too. We sat at the kitchen table and talked for about 2 hours. It was so nice to be able to catch up with Gary and spend time with Grandma. The kids played awesome in the living room and we just sat and visited in the kitchen. Right now we're hanging out and in a little bit we are going over to my dads for dinner with him and Lorraine and my brother and Allison and Chase are coming over too.....
that pretty much brings me to why I am blogging...I miss my family so much. If we lived up here we would be able to see them all the time. I hate that my grandma is getting sick and the next time I come up here she might not know who I am. I would like to visit her weekly. Now I know that won't happen cause our home is in Battle Creek but I would like people that have their family near by to appreciate them more. Call and visit, have dinner together, stop by and say hi, have family birthday parties. When I have talked to people about families and I say I have a brother, they say are you close and it makes me sad when I say no not really. I love him to death but I don't really know him. Not my fault, not his but just sad I think. Not real sure what I could do to change that, maybe come up to Bay City more but its so hard with our "normal" life stuff going on. Sooooo thats all I guess, just feeling a little homesick even though I'm home.

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