Saturday, April 16, 2011

These girls...

I've known these girls for over 20 years,

we were on the pom pom squad together.

We've laughed together, cried together, partied together, became moms together, grown up together, camped together, got drunk together, slept together, and sometimes I go months and months without seeing them but when I see them again I feel like I'm 18 again.

All three of them are the most amazing women.

Michelle just became a mommy after not knowing if she would be a mommy for so long. And seeing her with her baby girl I know that there was a reason it took her so long to decide. She needed to be at this point in her life to have this special girl because she is the most amazing mom.

Jen is a mom to three children and a mom that does it all. I'm not at her house and I'm sure she has those bad days but I'm guessing on the majority of days there is playdoh, baking, outdoor playing, experimenting, going on bike rides and walks, and being the queen of stay at home moms.

Anne is the momma hen. She has two beautiful girls. I'm amazed at her ability to keep an eye on both little girls and still be the keeper of all of us. She was born to be a mom, born to keep us all in line.

These are the girls that when I don't see them for a year and we get together again, within minutes I feel like I just saw them yesterday. I know I've missed out on many things in their lives, just like they have in mine but I know they're there and they always will be. They are the ones that knew me in those awful high school years, they knew me when I was young and careless and an idiot making stupid decisions.

I didn't have any sisters but these girls are the closest I had and I love each one of them like they were my sister. I look forward to the years ahead, the camping trips and the reunions.

Before we know it we'll be going to each others kids weddings ugh!!! And then becoming grandmas together, yeah!!

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