Sunday, August 26, 2012

it was a good month.....

We stayed pretty busy in the month of July this year. 
I was having one of those oh poor me, "I don't get to spend enough time with my kids in the summer" feelings a lot this month.  One day while Jacob and Jeremy were at Boy Scout camp I took Sarah to the zoo.  Mason and Averie joined us and we had a really good time.
 I'm so against feeding the dang giraffes because they charge you $2 for a couple pieces of lettuce, very small pieces of lettuce.  I just think that that is such a blatant rip off that it pisses me off.  I think the admission fee is ridiculous too ($25 for me and Sarah)but I try to forget that when I think of how much it must cost for them to run a zoo.  BUT the lettuce cost that just makes me mad.  So "did you feed the giraffes" you might ask, freaking of course we did.
 The threee dodo birds!!
And at the end of the month we took Sarah back to Bair Lake Bible Camp.  She went with Mya again this year.  It wasn't as tramatic since it was the second year. Tramatic for me I mean!
Sarah had a blast again.  Three days away from home was great for her.  She came back with a lot of stories and memories.  Definitely a must for next summer. 
It's a week before school starts and I'm wishing we had more time.  More time to do all the things I had good intentions of doing in the beginning of the summer. 
Detroit zoo
Potter Park Zoo
Full Blast
Mackinac Island
Visiting my dad up at the cabin
Library days
slip and slides
lemonade stands
manis and pedis
sorting and cleaning closets
lazy pj days
I guess we'll just suck it up and get ready for school, theres always next summer!