Monday, December 12, 2011

Busy busy

It's been a busy crazy month so far. We did make it out to Ollies tree farm to get our tree this year, only to find out that they get their trees from the same place the lot by Taco Bell gets theirs. more horse drawn carriage rides out to the tree farm to cut the tree. I've heard several people talking this year about better places to get trees. Sounds like a lot of places go all out with Santa and hot cocoa and horse and buggy rides. Seems like getting your tree has turned into a big ordeal just like picking out a pumpkin.
Emily's church had their annual Christmas tea the first weekend of December. As usual Emily had the most beautiful table. So over the top, amazing decorations and wonderful food.
The next day her and I went shopping in Kalamazoo for the day. I finished some Christmas shopping but we were so tired at the end of the day I just wanted to crawl in bed and sleep for days. I can't shop like I used to, lol.
Our little Averie is dressed in her Christmas finest every day she visits us. She was swiping the feathers out of her face so eventually the ladies in the infant room rescued her and let her take it off.
My favorite part of the month so far was yesterday when the girls came over and we made pierogi. Mom had sent April the recipe and we attempted it.....AND THEY WERE WONDERFUL!! Seriously I could've cried when I tasted the first bite. I was worried, I'm not gonna lie...but they taste just like my moms.
Yeah us!!
We plan to make them together every year now. They weren't near as hard as I feared, you just really need at least 3 people to make them.
After the above success, we traded our cookies. Our first cookie swap.
There is such an assortment and so many of them. How nice that I don't have to bake anymore before Christmas.

Tonight I finished two more of my craft projects that I am making for gifts. I'll post pictures later. Its been a busy couple of weeks and I anticipate that the next couple will be just as busy if not more so.
I DO love this time of year!

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