Everywhere you go in Savannah, they have this book. It's in all the gift shops, restaurants, and even in some of the clothing stores. I guess this book was on the best sellers list for years awhile back. I made Jeremy take me to the Bonventure cemetary cause that is where the headstone that is on the cover of this book was. I say "was" because they had to move it. Because of the popularity of the book, people were going to the cemetary and disturbing the grave sites. Apparently this was a real headstone and the family of the person buried there wasn't too happy about all the tourists going there and disturbing their loved ones burial place. The statue has since been moved to a museum in Savannah.

So I started reading this book this morning. So far I am intrigued. It's very good. Even better cause I was just there and recognize everywhere they are talking about. While we were on our trolley tour the tour guide stopped in front of this house and said that this was the Mercer House from the book. So I took a picture and its cool to be able to picture a place while your reading about it.
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