Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Random Thoughts on Leap Day
2. "Leap Day" why is it called that. Where are we leaping too?
3. People that are born on this day claim how "cool" it is. They were on tv and the radio saying "oh I'm only 11 today" when they're actually 44. I WOULD HATE IT. I love my birthday! I love having this special day just for me. So if your birthday is indeed on Feb. 29 do you celebrate on Feb. 28 or March 1? Do you get to pick? Do your parents pick when your a baby?
4. All leap day did for me was make me wait one more day for my paycheck.
5. I think leap day might be a great day to have pictures at CDC cause today went great. AND we'll only have to do them every 4 years.
6. Radio people LOVE to talk about leap day. Well I guess radio people like to talk about anything, what else are they supposed to do? play music? They are the ones that told me yesterday was national pancake day, which is what we had for dinner.
7. There are no good leap day craft ideas on pinterest but Sarah's brownie leader came up with a super cute "leap" frog to sew out of felt tonight.
8. The Frog should be the Leap Day mascot.
9. If you were lucky enough to go to Disney today you would be able to stay there from 6 am this morning until 6 am tomorrow. 24 hours!! How awesome would that be, riding Splash Mountain at 3 in the morning. Maybe in 4 more years they'll do it again and I'll be there, a wish for today.
That's all. I'm pleased to end my thoughts with a Disney wish.
Did you do anything fun on Leap Day??
Saturday, February 25, 2012
My Boys
Who do they make these chairs for?
Having one at NASCAR might be kinda fun!!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Thats Where They Went
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
This Could Become a Habit...
Hub called to let me know he was on his way home from work and did we need anything, hmmm why yes as a matter of fact I need 5 carnations (science fair mishap, stay tuned for next blog). So he gets home with 5 carnations AND a bottle of lambic. A special treat for me. Ahhhh how sweet. He knows I've been down in the dumps lately and he bought me some yumminess just to be a nice guy.
What's a girl to do with two bottles of guessed it, get busy drinking! This could become a problem, a very good problem!
Monday, February 20, 2012
these days
I'm in a funk these days.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
The Sax
Everyday he plays for like 5 minutes then cleans it for 15 minutes and then puts it away.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Brownies Part 2
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Better Late Then Never
Monday, February 6, 2012
Knock You Naked Brownies, Part 1
Soooooo Ree Drummond, the Pioneer Woman has a cooking show on tv now.

Sunday, February 5, 2012
It's good!
Everywhere you go in Savannah, they have this book. It's in all the gift shops, restaurants, and even in some of the clothing stores. I guess this book was on the best sellers list for years awhile back. I made Jeremy take me to the Bonventure cemetary cause that is where the headstone that is on the cover of this book was. I say "was" because they had to move it. Because of the popularity of the book, people were going to the cemetary and disturbing the grave sites. Apparently this was a real headstone and the family of the person buried there wasn't too happy about all the tourists going there and disturbing their loved ones burial place. The statue has since been moved to a museum in Savannah.

So I started reading this book this morning. So far I am intrigued. It's very good. Even better cause I was just there and recognize everywhere they are talking about. While we were on our trolley tour the tour guide stopped in front of this house and said that this was the Mercer House from the book. So I took a picture and its cool to be able to picture a place while your reading about it.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
our last day
We woke up to another beautiful day. Since it was the day I was leaving we didn't have a full day. I really wanted to have some oysters and we had been told of a good place to go so we planned on that for dinner. As far as the rest of the day went we didn't really have any plans. I was curious what was on the other side of this bridge. Locals told us that South Carolina was on the other side so we decided to go check it out.
At the top of the bridge looking back, you could see the river and Savannah from up high. The kids would've loved the "big bridge"
Jeremy was also told that there were gators on the other side of the bridge so off we drove to find them. The other side of the bridge there was a "welcome to South Carolina" sign but thats about it. Luckily I found "alligator alley" on my iphone and we went looking for those gators.
Day 3 in Savannah
We did the tour all the way through the first time and then we stopped on River St.
There are so many homes that look like the one below. This is probably one of the prettiest towns I have ever been in. I would have loved to go in any of them. The architecture is amazing. The windows and doors and gardens are unbelievable.