So this was our Webster flea market day. We were up fairly early and out the door by 8. April and I had one main goal, purses. Mom was looking for some produce and plants. It was a gorgeous day, sunny and 70. It was funny to see people walking around in pants and sweatshirts and we had on capri's, tank tops, and sandals. We had to take the sun where we could get it, mom wasn't stopping at no stinkin beaches.
Arriving at the flea market.....bring on the purses!! I have never seen so many. And much better quality then the ones Ive been seeing at the "purse parties"
Yup bright green, love it. 
I also bought a Coach clutch for 2 for $5 WHAT 2 for $5 yup you heard right!! My mom bought a Chanel clutch but then ended up giving them to me and April, same price....I know nuts right!
April got hers for $25.00.... its the one on her arm.

and so did I.
Yup bright green, love it.
The wallet below is the snap wallets that everyone is using right now. It's the wider one and I got it for $10.00 yea.

Mom paid a little more for Allisons but not for lack of trying to talk the guy into a cheaper price, boy I bet they were glad we walked away.
Hers is actually purple, by the time we were finished dickering with the dude someone had bought this one so we had to settle for purple. I still love it, I sure hope Allison does. I didn't realize picking out a purse for someone else was so hard.
Mom, contemplating which plant to bring home to Terry. I encouraged the large one with the cool pink puffs on it, named appropriately the powder puff. Little did I know that it would be me carrying it back to the truck.
Sorry bout the sideways pic, this is the plant that I carried.
Some orange trees. Florida has had some really bad frosts this year so most of the fruit wasn't any good. I would love a orange grove in my backyard, and so would my kids.
This is how we ended the evening. A fish fry at Tim's house. Not a very good picture but that is Ed and Leonard and Terrys mom Lorraine. The fish was awesome. April and I were craving some red meat at this point but as soon as I tasted the fish I knew we were in the right place.
Hers is actually purple, by the time we were finished dickering with the dude someone had bought this one so we had to settle for purple. I still love it, I sure hope Allison does. I didn't realize picking out a purse for someone else was so hard.

It was an early night but I knew we needed our sleep....tomorrow was Disney!!
I know you can't wait for that blog.
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