On Day 3 we got on the road early and got home late that night. Our destination was Treasure Island, we never made it there. Our first stop was in Tarpon Springs, sponge capital of the world. It was a Greek tourist town.

We wandered into some shops and checked out the sponges. We were waiting for Tim and his crew to join us. Once they joined us we headed south.

Now remember this crew is famous for stopping at any bar that strikes their fancy along the way. Which is how we ended up at Mahuffers. The sign says it all. I can't even begin to describe this place. There was stuff everywhere.

April and I with some dude we picked up along the way.
Not really, this is Leonard, one of the bar hoppers that was staying at Tims visiting.
About 1 minute after this was taken the table broke and down Leonard went, he was ticked that he spilled his beer.

Fun place, I couldve spent more time there.
After this bar we went to St John's Pass. It was an awesome tourist town. Lots of little shops and tons of tall beautiful hotels. We stopped there and had dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. That wouldn't have been my first choice of restuarants but nobody else had ever been there and they all wanted to try it. I had yummy shrimp.

FINALLY we talked mom into stopping so we could put our feet in the Gulf. It was cold, way to cold to even consider swimming. But so beautiful. They have awesome white sand that feels awesome on your feet.

That was the end of Day 3. We headed home knowing that the next day would be our trip to the Webster flea market and lots and lots of walking.
hooray for the beach. I think it would have been better if she just kept driving by the ocean and didn't stop. haha