Sunday, March 28, 2010
No One Ever Asked Me....
1. if Kenny could take the summer off.
2. if my mom could pack up and move all her s**t to Florida.
3. if they could move their sons birthday to 5 instead of 1.
4. if we could take a year off from going to Disney.
5. if 24 could be cancelled.
6. if my dog could shed all her flippin fur all over the house.
7. if they could make ANOTHER vampire movie that we'll have to hear about over and over.
8. if I really wanted to go to the grocery store.
9. if I wanted to cook dinner tonight.
10. if I care.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Let It Begin
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Birthday at the Bracks
My darling daughter, Sarah!
Birthday weekend
I can't believe this guy is 10. I still can see him as the chubby little guy that carried Carl around. He loved Thomas the Train, now he loves Legos.
He was a picky eater, he still is.
He had alot of black hair, he has super thick brown hair.
He loved to be hugged and cuddled....don't tell his friends but he still does.
He is a wonderful, thoughtful, smart kid and I'm lucky to be his mom.
Happy 10th Birthday Jacob!
How Cute is He!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Leprechaun was here!
Times have changed
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Biggest Loser
Ok really I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. I know I've teased you about saying this to me but it really made me think.
"I know your track record"
I fail at this everytime I try.
Why can't I do this?
Why is it soooo hard for me to not quit?
If you want something bad enough why can't you stick with it?
The doc said "I truely believe if you visualize something you can have it" WHAT??? Is he smoking crack, if that was true we would all be millionares, I'm sure!
Kidding aside I think I see what he is saying. He was trying to be motivational but honestly there has not been a single day in my life that I haven't thought about what it would be like to not be fat. I have been overweight all my life. I wasn't as fat as I thought I was in high school but I think thats cause people told me I was fat and I was teased about being fat so I pictured myself so fat. I was FAR from normal weight but I wouldn't say I was fat. Now I'm fat.
SOOOO what to do, I don't know. I was going the surgery route but due to insurance issues and mostly me chickening out thats not gonna happen. I think even with surgery I was afraid I couldn't do it and then WOW what a failure that is, can't even lose weight after they modify your body so you can lose weight.
That brings me to the biggest loser. I already want to quit. I'm a big talker haha and I say I'm gonna win, I joke about beating everyone but I would rather just quit now so I don't have to be the real loser.
I'm real tired of the "I'll start again on Monday"
I think I need to end the love affair with food, how do you do that?
Why am I blogging about this? Probably cause I know its time to make my blog private so why not go all out and tell ya how I really feel.
Someday I hope to have a better track record, then my family, kids and bestest bffs can be proud of me!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
being defriended
Back when this all started I gave my opinion, right, whether she spoke the words "Nicole what do you think about this situation" or not, it was a given she wanted to know what I thought. So I told her. I thought she was having an affair, he was still married, he may have been unhappy but it was still a marriage. She contributed to the failure of the marriage. He was miserable, he slept on the couch, he didn't love her....thats what they make divorce for. He wasn't divorced and back when he developed the feelings for her he was still married. End of it! Thats my opinion, I didn't say I am right, I didn't say I hate you for doing this and I'll never be your friend again, I didn't say your an awful horrible person. At that moment I knew we would get past this. Yes I may have trouble accepting him but I wouldve gotten over it. We wouldn't have ever been the 6 of us again because things had changed to much. My feelings were so hurt at first because everyone I talked to (meaning the bffers and husbands)felt the same way but yet it was me that was the bad person. ok I'm getting off track here...what I'm trying to say is that I don't know where it all went wrong. And now reading some of the things that lovely facebook has published I realized that even though they can make me feel bad about how I felt maybe they weren't the friends that I thought they were. Their whole family and all their friends know the situation I can guarantee that and they've all formed these horrible opinions of me because of what I "did" to her how could we ever be friends again. It keeps coming up that friends don't judge and they don't walk away and they are loyal. Well where the hell is that loyalty to me, why is it ok for everyone and their neighbor to get on their facebook page and tell them that they were right and I am horrible for doing what I did. What the fuck did I do besides tell you what I thought. If I was stepping out on my marriage or doing something incredibly dumb I would expect to be told, and I would hope that I would be a loyal friend and learn from the situation. SO thank you facebook thank you for being there for her to complain to and thank you for allowing everyone she knows to build her back up and make her feel ok about her decisions because eventually I thought thats what I would be doing for her, thank God she has you. I'm honestly happy to not be able to read their status updates anymore, I can move on. I wish her, her family, her new friends, and especially her children a wonderful life.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Our Last Day
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
a lil more Day 5
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Day 5
We didn't stay very long. Basically just in and out. April has the basic idea what its like so when she goes back with her family she knows what to expect.
The judges tent, time to introduce April to my friends Mickey and Minnie.
While we were enjoying dinner I mentioned that the best ride in all of Disney (to me) is Soarin at Epcot. Then I said in my most convincing voice "Ya know we do have a hopper pass and we could go try to ride it" After my mom moaned and gave me a look of you've got to be kidding me, she agreed to my idea. April was up for anything. So after we did everything that April wanted to do at Disney (there were a few things that we saved for her first time with Michael and the kids) we got on the monorail and headed to Epcot.
WELLLLLLL the wait for Soarin was 50 minutes. I didn't really feel like waiting we were so tired but how could we miss it. So we stayed, the wait was long probably not 50 minutes but it was after 8 at night and we had been walking and riding and eating and shopping since 9 that morning. BUT LET ME TELL YOU it was so worth it.
My mom and April agreed, its awesome. I hope those of you going soon (Kelli and Kayla) truely appreciate this ride and love love love it (if you don't will you just tell me that you did please, thank you). So that ends Day 5. We got in the car shortly after 9 and it was a long ride home...still no stops at chick-fil-a.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Day 4

Yup bright green, love it.
Hers is actually purple, by the time we were finished dickering with the dude someone had bought this one so we had to settle for purple. I still love it, I sure hope Allison does. I didn't realize picking out a purse for someone else was so hard.