Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Santa is my Homeboy!

So those of you that know me, all 6 of you, know that I work at CDC and that I am in charge. Something I have to tell my staff is that you can NOT have favorites because it is not fair.

You shouldn't have one specific child that you pay more attention to.

You shouldn't think that one specific child is cuter than the others in the room.

You shouldn't go into his room and hold him, play with him, and kiss him more than the others.

You shouldn't hold him while he sleeps cause sometimes he has a hard time sleeping at day care cause he's a little bit spoiled but make the other children sleep in their beds.

You probably shouldn't give the staff the "look" when this child is crying and they are not doing EVERYTHING they possibly can to make him happy, even though they happen to be busy with one of the other children in the class.

and you probably shouldn't let this child sit on your desk and tear up your calendar and eat your favorite Mickey Mouse pen cause he wants to.

Did I mention that I am in charge and those rules don't apply to me.

and just so you know I do happen to have a few others that fall into this category but their parents don't encourage me to blog about them.

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