Jeremy and I went to see this movie tonight for my birthday. It was so good. I really like Gerard as a bad guy. It suits him much better than the romantic comedy characters he has been in. It was crazy and gory and even though he was awful I didn't want him to die. I am not a big Jamie Foxx fan but he was also very good. Jeremy said it's hard to take him serious when he thinks about him still as the guy that played Shanaynay from In Living Color. I am still looking forward to seeing The Ugly Truth, since the bff squad when to see it without me, I'll have to rent it.
Since I've alrwady confessed my sins to April, I can go ahead and comment on your blog post. LOL It was fantastic! I was sooo completely turned on by the bad-ass Gerard!! You'll probably like him in The Ugly Truth then, cuz he plays an arrogant asshole not the usual romantic.