Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Brother

This is my brother and his beautiful family, my sister in law Allison and nephew Chase.

We are spending the day with them tomorrow for Thanksgiving cause with his new job he will have to work on Thursday.

Let me tell you about my brother.....

He used to be a repo man, yes a repo man, the dude that comes to your house or place of business and takes your stuff when you stop paying for it. He told us some funny stories, some scary stories and played it off like it was no big deal. I worried about him all the time. He didn't work in the best area and he had guns pulled on him numerous times. He is a big guy, I would be scared of him if he showed up at my house in the middle of the night but truely he is a big teddy bear. He has a new job now (thank you Lord). I don't know the name of where he works but from what I understand it is like a juvenile home. He is in charge of a cabin of boys (men). Once again he could be in some danger, some of these boys have done some pretty bad things. But the BIG difference is that this is what he was destined to do. He is getting the opportunity to make a difference in these boys lives. He is going to be someone that they confide in, someone that they will learn to trust, someone that will care a lot more than a lot of people ever have in their lives. The trick will be for them to figure that out. This past summer I went to one of Chases baseball games that Josh helps coach. I loved the enthsiasm I saw on his face. He just likes to help people. He didn't get some college degree to teach, or counsel, or mentor but I bet he will be better at this then most people that did. I am proud of my brother and although we haven't always been that close (I guess I was pretty mean to him when we were younger lol) I love him and I hope that everyone out there that knows him knows that they are lucky to have him in their life! Well except all those people that he had to repo something from!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog Nicole, we go through cycles of closeness with out siblings but we for sure love them more then life and the pride shows!
