Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Thanksgiving Narrator!
Parade #2
My Brother
We are spending the day with them tomorrow for Thanksgiving cause with his new job he will have to work on Thursday.
Let me tell you about my brother.....
He used to be a repo man, yes a repo man, the dude that comes to your house or place of business and takes your stuff when you stop paying for it. He told us some funny stories, some scary stories and played it off like it was no big deal. I worried about him all the time. He didn't work in the best area and he had guns pulled on him numerous times. He is a big guy, I would be scared of him if he showed up at my house in the middle of the night but truely he is a big teddy bear. He has a new job now (thank you Lord). I don't know the name of where he works but from what I understand it is like a juvenile home. He is in charge of a cabin of boys (men). Once again he could be in some danger, some of these boys have done some pretty bad things. But the BIG difference is that this is what he was destined to do. He is getting the opportunity to make a difference in these boys lives. He is going to be someone that they confide in, someone that they will learn to trust, someone that will care a lot more than a lot of people ever have in their lives. The trick will be for them to figure that out. This past summer I went to one of Chases baseball games that Josh helps coach. I loved the enthsiasm I saw on his face. He just likes to help people. He didn't get some college degree to teach, or counsel, or mentor but I bet he will be better at this then most people that did. I am proud of my brother and although we haven't always been that close (I guess I was pretty mean to him when we were younger lol) I love him and I hope that everyone out there that knows him knows that they are lucky to have him in their life! Well except all those people that he had to repo something from!!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Santa is my Homeboy!

You shouldn't go into his room and hold him, play with him, and kiss him more than the others.

Did I mention that I am in charge and those rules don't apply to me.
and just so you know I do happen to have a few others that fall into this category but their parents don't encourage me to blog about them.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Good times In Kzoo
Zach and Sarah
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Where's Kenny?

Nice, very nice....... but really he needs a shorter wife, I'm just saying....

Another of my favorites, man she can sing and he is the best sidekick of any duo.....

My first time

So will I go again, um yes but I will wait till after the movie starts to pick my seat and hopefully I will pick a better movie. If anybody out there sees this movie and can tell me what it was about I would really appreciate it. I was lost and I don't understand the ending.
For the Texas blog stalkers

Saturday, November 7, 2009
That being said, I love being here. I love their house, the coziness of it. Although they did get rid of their comfy couch and got a really uncomfortable "fancy" looking one. I'll post pictures when I get home. It's been a great weekend. We got here last night and pretty much right away went to grandpa tony's. If you've ever been to Bay City or ever drive through you have to go there. They have the yummiest food, italian of course. Joel and Jolie met us there and I received a birthday present. The warmest fuzziest pajamas ever, I love them. When we got home Nana had made me a birthday cake, carrot, hmmmm it was so good. They put 35 candles on it, yes all 35, it looked like a fire in a pan when they brought it out to me, once again I will post pictures later. Then more presents!! For the rest of the night we just hung out. Actually I think that everyone was in bed by 10. This morning Nana and Papa left for Manistee so it was just us and Joel in the house. We got up pretty early and went over to my grandmas house. She is suffering from dementia right now so I was worried how she would be. I was so relieved that she seemed ok. My dad was there for a little bit and my Uncle Gary is here from CA too. We sat at the kitchen table and talked for about 2 hours. It was so nice to be able to catch up with Gary and spend time with Grandma. The kids played awesome in the living room and we just sat and visited in the kitchen. Right now we're hanging out and in a little bit we are going over to my dads for dinner with him and Lorraine and my brother and Allison and Chase are coming over too.....
that pretty much brings me to why I am blogging...I miss my family so much. If we lived up here we would be able to see them all the time. I hate that my grandma is getting sick and the next time I come up here she might not know who I am. I would like to visit her weekly. Now I know that won't happen cause our home is in Battle Creek but I would like people that have their family near by to appreciate them more. Call and visit, have dinner together, stop by and say hi, have family birthday parties. When I have talked to people about families and I say I have a brother, they say are you close and it makes me sad when I say no not really. I love him to death but I don't really know him. Not my fault, not his but just sad I think. Not real sure what I could do to change that, maybe come up to Bay City more but its so hard with our "normal" life stuff going on. Sooooo thats all I guess, just feeling a little homesick even though I'm home.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Oh I forgot about these Disney photos!

What a rip off!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Good Movie!

Monday, November 2, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
My Halloween pet peeve
1. Trick or Treat in their own dang neighborhood (unless accompanying a family that lives in said neighborhood, like Cortnie and her kids)
2. PARK AND WALK...really are you that lazy that you can't walk with your child/ren while they run from house to house. Do these people realize how much more dangerous they make our neighborhoods? I actually saw a pick up truck with it's tailgate down with three older (like 13 or so) kids sitting on the tailgate. The driver would slow down the kids would jump off, run up to the house, and then run to catch up to the truck and jump back on the tailgate.