We've been pretty busy this last month.
I'm not complaining, I just can't believe that its already the middle of April.
My favorite so far was Easter weekend. I had the best Easter this year.
My in-laws came down on Friday and we got everything ready for the Easter dinner at our house on Saturday. We were all so relaxed and ready that Saturday was a wonderful day.
We started the morning coloring eggs.
Jacob has colored eggs with his Nana for 10 yrs. We've only missed two of his 12 years. He still enjoys mixing the colors and spending that time with Nana.

I'm happy to say that it worked out that our niece, Jolie, was able to come down with Nana and Papa and spend the weekend also. Her and Sarah get along so well. She went with Sarah to her cookie sale on Friday night which meant that Jeremy and I and Nana and Papa went to dinner just the 4 of us. I'm pretty sure thats the first time that has happened since Jacob was born. We had a great time.

My sister in law put together an Easter egg hunt for the kids. (Thank you so much Emily, since I know you're reading)
Along with our family, the Couch's, the Morales' and the Swanson's came over to celebrate Easter with us. It was a great day. Sun was shining, kids were having fun, and the food was delicious.

This has been our main source of busy-ness!
Tucker, please go potty outside!!

We attended a very special Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday party, for my favorite 3 yr old.
You should hear this little guy sing "Under the Sea" from The Little Mermaid, amazing!!
I'm serious about Disney in February, are the Morales'??

Sarah and I have been baking, chocolate chip banana bread is our favorite.

Trying to keep Tucker busy in any way possible. I forgot what its like to have a baby.
I'm hoping we settle into a routine pretty soon.
Summer's coming and we have tons of plans already. Jeremy has reenacting, Sarah has camp, Jacob will have football and scouts, and I have a couple scrapbooking weekends a couple concerts, and trying to figure out a way to travel to Dallas in October, hmmmm!