Two very handsome boys, a brand new 13 yr old and a very soon to be 12 yr old.
Celebrating their day at Buffalo Wild Wings.

Sarah sure loves her Aunt Allison. I wish we lived closer so they could have a closer relationship. Sarah is always super excited when Allison comes to town for work. It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that we usually get to swim at her hotel and order pizza! haha

I'm afraid I'll jinx it again so I won't say a whole lot about this picture.
All I will say is if my brother and his family were to buy a house, I would hope that it looked just like this one!

We went out with Josh and Allison on St Patty's Day in Bay City. A bunch of their friends were there also. Kassie was celebrating her birthday, lucky girl born on March 17th.
Aunt Kathy and Uncle Den joined us for dinner and drinks. We also went to the Whyte Goose for some drinks. Ronda was serenading Kassie in the above picture but what I love is Josh's expression.

Deep thoughts with Jeremy and Kathy....don't even ask!

Best float of the St. Patty's Parade!
I had to double take, I thought they were men dressed like women, but OH NO, these are the real thing!

Why oh why do we not have queens like this in our town. Mesha, April, Kelli I think we should start this. We could be the founding queens!
ABSOLUTELY!!! I wanna be queen for a day but we would be pretty queens not drag queen look alikes!!