We went to Mooville today with the prek class. MY FAVORITE field trip. Good sites today too...the little goat above was sooo cute, only 2 days old. He and his sibling were so fun to watch jumping and bouncing around.
This guy was huge and was too lazy to walk up the ramp to eat so he just got on his hind legs and helped himself.
They are so cute but boy do they stink!
We saw alot of babies today. Baby chicks, baby goats, baby calfs, a mommy duck sitting on eggs just waiting for the baby duck to hatch. Wonderful signs of spring!One of the kids thought one of his friends said that the duck was a donkey so he said "thats not a donkey, its a swan" For some reason that was soooo funny to me.
The staff at Mooville are wonderful, so good with kids.
Best of all I brought some yummy chocolate milk home.
Overall a great day!
don't forget the cheese curd.