Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's Not A Donkey, It's A Swan!!

We went to Mooville today with the prek class. MY FAVORITE field trip. Good sites today too...the little goat above was sooo cute, only 2 days old. He and his sibling were so fun to watch jumping and bouncing around.
This guy was huge and was too lazy to walk up the ramp to eat so he just got on his hind legs and helped himself.
They are so cute but boy do they stink!
We saw alot of babies today. Baby chicks, baby goats, baby calfs, a mommy duck sitting on eggs just waiting for the baby duck to hatch. Wonderful signs of spring!
One of the kids thought one of his friends said that the duck was a donkey so he said "thats not a donkey, its a swan" For some reason that was soooo funny to me.
The staff at Mooville are wonderful, so good with kids.
Best of all I brought some yummy chocolate milk home.
Overall a great day!

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Funny, Just Because I Needed It

A guy woke up in the morning with a terrible hangover. Next to the bed was a couple of aspirins, a glass of water, and a note from his wife.

"Honey, there's a hot breakfast waiting for you in the kitchen. Love, your wife".

He looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotlessly clean. So is the rest of the house.

He stumbles into the bathroom and notices a huge black eye. After shaving, he goes to the kitchen, and sees that the hall mirror is broken too.

His son is in the kitchen and as he's eating his huge breakfast the guy asks the son what all this is about.

"Well, last night you came home drunk off your ass, stumbled into the mirror and hit your head on the doorknob. Mom helped you to bed, and as she?s trying to get your pants off you kicked her away and said "get off me lady, I'm married".

It Makes You Think

I got back from visiting Grandma a little bit ago. I'm pretty sad about it. It's hard to explain so bear with me. Of course I'm sad that the little ole lady with a huge heart of gold had to have surgery but Im more sad about whats going to happen now. I briefly asked my aunt if they had a prognosis for her, where will she go from here. And of course she didn't have an answer because they are all taking it one day at a time, which they should. Those of you that didn't know her...picture a fireball of activity, someone that was always done up, always had baked goods ready for visitors, always jumped up to offer you a diet coke or some juice. The last few years that I've gone to visit her she's just been down and out. The reason for this IM ABSOLUTELY SURE is that her best friend and reason for living, my grandpa passed away. So here she is at 84 yrs old having brain surgery. Today she was someone I didn't even recognize. She was feisty and kept making ugly faces at people. She called the nurses bitches cause they wouldn't bring her any water. Funny at the time but now brings tears to my eyes. Thats not my grandma.
I'm not saying she should give up because I know that is up to Him to decide but this is one of those times when I question His logic. I know my grandpa is looking down on her making big plans for when they are together again and that makes me smile. I continue to pray for her, for peace and I pray for my dad and his brother and sisters so they can remember the good days and so that they have peace and acceptance for whatever He decides.
Thats what I received today, peace. Knowing that i was able to hold her hand and tell her that I love her. Hoping that some day soon she's back to her old self and we'll be visiting her at her house but also knowing that if that doesn't happen I'm ok with that too.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Please Pray

My grandma is in the hospital again. Somehow (I keep forgetting to ask how this happened in the first place cause Im so preoccupied with getting the right information) she has blood on her brain. I don't know if it was a stroke or what. They are doing surgery at 7:30 tomorrow morning to release the pressure and the blood. I HATE not being up there. My dad called and said that everyone went home cause she's in ICU and she can't have people with her all night. I haven't seen her in awhile and I feel horrible that we didn't stop by there on our last trip home. So my plan is to head up there tomorrow after I get the kids to school. Im hoping to visit for a little bit and be back in town early afternoon. Im praying that this goes smooth. That she'll be fine. This woman is 84 yrs old and has the heart of gold!!

My step dad Terry got in a motorcycle accident on Saturday. Apparently a SUV ran into him. He is ok but pretty banged up. Mom says he has road rash all over him. Tonight she says he is having a hard time breathing but he thinks he bruised a rib. Im a bit nervous about this since he's been in such bad shape lately.

Sooo its been kind of a crappy weekend for my family. I'm thinking God is testing me, for what I don't know. He knows how I hate being away from my family. I can't do anything for either of these people, except pray. So thats what Ive been doing. If you get a second say a quick prayer not only for grandma and Terry but also for my dad and his brothers and sisters and my mom who is dealing with this alone in FL.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


A few of the things that make me happy this week.....

  1. Being pretty sure that I have Jeremy talked into another Disney vacation sooner than later.
  2. Finally being caught up on Brothers & Sisters AND Gossip Girl!
  3. Hiring two new girls at work that I feel like have real potential.
  4. My little guy Mason trying to pull up on my pant legs, FINALLY!
  5. Nice weather, and then a little bit of cold weather.
  6. Slowly getting the flower beds looking nice, they won't be perfect but I realized I don't really care.
  7. Being the bigger person.
  8. Realizing that no matter what I do, it's not ever gonna feel like it used to and thats ok.
  9. Getting into scrapbooking again, I got my groove back.
  10. Making the decison to be Riverside's PTA President if they'll have me, and being confident that I can do it, with a little help from my friends.

My lil guy Mason

This is soooo not ok!

What could you possibly be talking about Nicole, what's not ok?
The other day Sarah and I went to Payless to get her some new shoes. While we were there the nice lady measured her feet for us and then gave her a sticker. Yes, very nice of her. But when we got to CDC she didn't want to lose her sticker so I told her to go put it on my bag and I would save it for her.

No I DID NOT mean my Coach purse!!!!
I meant my tote bag!!

Soooo not ok!
Guess I will have to be more specific with her.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


It would seem that if you never did anything wrong in your life you wouldn't always think someone was talking about you when they said something, or wrote something. I'd like to get to that place in my life. To be happy with my thoughts and feelings and words spoken.

It seems lately that I can't make anyone happy. I never thought of myself as a people pleaser, quite the opposite in fact. But lately I am really bothered when someone I know is unhappy. I feel like it is my fault. How can I fix it? How can I make them better? How can I make them happy? And while I'm doing that I feel like I've made myself crazy.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


How cute are they?

It's too late tonight to blog...but here are some pictures from Easter. It was a great holiday this year, even though I missed both my mom and my dad very much!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


I still don't get the hype. I HATE loosing money. I like to have something to show for my money.
We went to the casino tonight for April's birthday. I had a great time. Kelli, Dave, and I had a riot cheering on April and some dude on the Indiana Jones slots. I believe she walked away about $20 or so richer. I played also, lost $20.00.
I love to go to the casino cause I love to people watch but I also leave there with a heavy heart. There are soooo many people there playing with money that they shouldn't be wasting.
While we were laughing and cheering April on because "Momma needs a new pair of shoes" some of those people out there really do need a new pair of shoes but instead they put it in the machines.
Jeremy and I were talking and we agree that casinos do bring alot to a community. Most, if not all casinos give a lot of money to the community they are in. They bring in jobs, and new businesses. So where do I stand on casinos.....not really sure, but for now if you decide to go could you go up to Little River Band, thanks very much!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Things I've learned while blogging....

Things I've learned while blogging...

1. I have many thoughts that once I type them out on here, I realize they are not very inappropriate and some that just don't make sense.

2. This is one more thing in my life that I feel pressure to complete.

3. I don't understand why when I hit the "next blog" button, I end up with some chinese girl that is about 13 and the blog is written in chinese.....never the same girl, there must be like hundreds of these girls out there.

4. I get inspired from reading other peoples blogs, and wish I was a better person.

5. I'd like to take better pictures, maybe with a better more professional camera.

6. My blog always sounds better in my head then when I actually type it out.

7. I wish sometimes it was private cause theres lots I wanna say but probably shouldn't.

8. Most of the blogs from the above statement are about work and the girls there.

9. Some people are really funny, and some people just like to talk about themselves too much.

10. I love blogging, and wish that everyone I knew would start a blog.