Things I've learned while blogging...
1. I have many thoughts that once I type them out on here, I realize they are not very inappropriate and some that just don't make sense.
2. This is one more thing in my life that I feel pressure to complete.
3. I don't understand why when I hit the "next blog" button, I end up with some chinese girl that is about 13 and the blog is written in chinese.....never the same girl, there must be like hundreds of these girls out there.
4. I get inspired from reading other peoples blogs, and wish I was a better person.
5. I'd like to take better pictures, maybe with a better more professional camera.
6. My blog always sounds better in my head then when I actually type it out.
7. I wish sometimes it was private cause theres lots I wanna say but probably shouldn't.
8. Most of the blogs from the above statement are about work and the girls there.
9. Some people are really funny, and some people just like to talk about themselves too much.
10. I love blogging, and wish that everyone I knew would start a blog.