Here's to 2009! I'm thinking this will be a long blog. I was thinking back over the year and decided to try and post some pictures that might not have been included earlier. Once I started I decided to document the whole year. So enjoy!
We rang in the New Year at the Couch house. Spending time with friends was a great way to start the year.
I say this is Feb but it might have been March but oh well.
Emily and I like to take the girls to do a "girls day" every year. This year we went to Disney on Ice and to the Grand Rapids mall. The girls brought one of their Build a Bears and got to pick out a new outfit for them. They loved riding the carousel.
More preparations for the wedding, getting mom drunk!! lol This is the night she broke the chair at the Wil lew. Good times!
My baby turned 9, oh where have the years gone. He is a wonderful son, kind, caring, and handsome.
He had a sleep over party with these boys!! What a crazy night!
Welcome to the world Mason James Morales. He surprised us all on April Fools day. Needless to say I didn't believe Kelli when she called me at 11 at night to tell me she was going to the hospital cause her water broke. I felt sure that I would call her in the morning and she would say it was a false alarm. NOPE!! I woke up in the morning to text telling me that this little guy was born. OHHHH how I love him. He is so cuddly and happy. Dave and Kelli are doing an amazing job with him, he's a great little guy.
What a fun and amazing weekend. Our whole family was in the wedding party. The kids looked sooooo cute all dressed up and they were so excited to be such a big part of Josh and Allisons day. I'm so happy for Josh, he is so happy. I really think that these two complete each other. I wish them MANY MANY happy years together.
Spending time with my brothers, something I rarely get to do. So much fun.

Jeremy celebrated his 36th birthday
The kids continued their tradition of coloring eggs with Nana. Something that Jacob has done every year since he's been born.
Jeremy celebrated his 36th birthday
We usually go camping for Memorial day weekend and this year we went just the four of us to South Haven state park. The Bracks visited us for the day. Some of us went for a walk down by the water. This is one of my favorite pictures. I'm not very happy with my image being that I have a large amount of weight to lose but someday we'll retake this picture and I'll look the way Ive always wanted to.

Jeremy tried to give Jacob lessons on chopping wood. We had a nice relaxing weekend.

One of my favorite weekends away. I'm realizing this year, that things don't stay the same, whether you want them to or not. But I do know that God has a plan for us and we have to believe in our hearts that things will work out the way they are supposed to. We all have to make our own decisions but that doesn't change the fact that I love these girls even if I don't agree with the choices we've made. Who am I to judge right? And on that note, this could be it's own blog by itself so I'll leave it at that.
Jeremy tried to give Jacob lessons on chopping wood. We had a nice relaxing weekend.
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