So much to choose from...
enough said!
You've got the Keith Urban concert....AWESOME!!! We had great seats! And we had a blast sitting at Bennigans/Applebees/Chilis beforehand. (I can't remember what restaurant it was)
Cortnie may have been a little over zealous on her drinking but she sure had a great time. And who am I to talk I totally forgot that I paid for Cortnies gas on the way home let alone that we stopped for gas on the way home. Awesome time girls!!

It was so fun to take Sarah to Chicago for her first trip to the American Girl store. We were able to go on her actual birthday. Emily, Elizabeth and Nana were there also. We celebrated both of their birthdays and Nana treated them to their first American girl. The lunch was so cool. The food was all mini and the dolls sat with us and had their own tea party. I hope Sarah will always remember this special day.
It was so fun to take Sarah to Chicago for her first trip to the American Girl store. We were able to go on her actual birthday. Emily, Elizabeth and Nana were there also. We celebrated both of their birthdays and Nana treated them to their first American girl. The lunch was so cool. The food was all mini and the dolls sat with us and had their own tea party. I hope Sarah will always remember this special day.
Sarah also had her first dance recital. She was amazing. And doesn't she look beautiful. Nana, Papa, Mesha, Em, Elizabeth, Natalie, and grandma Turkey all came to see her debut. We went out to Bob Evans after for a celebratory ice cream sundae after.
We went up to the cabin for a long weekend and took the Couch family with us. It was so fun. We spent a whole day on Mackinac Island.

The kids had a great time. I think their favorite part was the boat ride to the island. We did lots of walking and a little shopping. We went to Skull Cave which I thought would be shaped like a skull but that wasn't the reason at all. Apparently theres a legend of the floor of it being covered with skulls way back when. Hmmmm I don't know about that, but I definetely didin't think it was worth the walk, but I LOVE Arch Rock.
The kids had a great time. I think their favorite part was the boat ride to the island. We did lots of walking and a little shopping. We went to Skull Cave which I thought would be shaped like a skull but that wasn't the reason at all. Apparently theres a legend of the floor of it being covered with skulls way back when. Hmmmm I don't know about that, but I definetely didin't think it was worth the walk, but I LOVE Arch Rock.
I know you'll all think this is sad...but I'm SURE that this was the highlight of my year. Being this close to Kenny!! It was amazing. And you wonder why Mesha is the bestest bff ever. She doesn't even like Kenny and she STOOD with me for 7 HOURS in one spot so I could be this close. I'll be missing him this year but I really think he took a year off cause he knew it would take me that long to convince Mesha to go to another one of his concerts with me. haha

We'll all be missing our Kenny concert weekend this year. It was a fun weekend to get together with my mom and Allison. Maybe we'll have to do Chicago or something.
We'll all be missing our Kenny concert weekend this year. It was a fun weekend to get together with my mom and Allison. Maybe we'll have to do Chicago or something.
What a month! These pictures are not in any kind of order but of course I had to start with Disney! We went on our family vacation to the wonderful world of Disney again this year. It was an amazing week of family time. Jacob and Jeremy at Epcot directing us on where to go next.
Sarah and I at Epcot at the character spot meeting all the main characters.
For Labor Day weekend we stayed home and had a barbeque. The Couchs, Converses, Swansons, Morales, and Davis families came over. It was so much fun to just hang out with the bff's and their families. Of course Mason was the main attraction as he always is. Dontcha just love the cheeks.
Jacob and Sarah both started school at Riverside. Sarah for 1st grade and Jacob for 4th. They both have great teachers and seem to be doing very well. Next year will bring junior high for Jacob, OMG!!

We went to the zooboo this year as a family. Jeremy usually brings the kids while Im volunteering with CDC but it was great to be there together. I really enjoyed myself and think that its a place that everyone should go for Halloween.
Jeremy and I celebrated our 15 year anniversary this year. Wow what a long hard 15 years, but honestly something I am very proud of at this day and age. Not many marriages make it past 5 years anymore. It's something we work on everyday and this year I hope will be the best one yet.
We also celebrated Halloween. Jacob choose to be a gangster at the very last minute, but thanks to his crafty dad he ended up with a great costume. Sarah was Minnie Mouse, and had a perfect costume made by her Nana.
We went to the zooboo this year as a family. Jeremy usually brings the kids while Im volunteering with CDC but it was great to be there together. I really enjoyed myself and think that its a place that everyone should go for Halloween.
Our little friend Lauren was Minnie Mouse also and doesn't she make the cutest little mouse. We trick or treated with her and Zach this year and Cortnie and I could barely keep up to the kids running from house to house.

We obviously celebrated Thanksgiving this month. For some reason I rarely take pictures on this holiday. We spend the weekend busy as usual. We were at Nana and Papas for Thanksgiving day and then headed up to the cabin for the rest of the weekend. We went to the annual xmas parade in Wolvertucky. The kids spent alot of time outdoors. We took pictures in with the pine trees that were planted in July so we would be able to see how they grow every year. It was a fun weekend, nice to spend time alone with my dad and Lorraine

I was able to spend some time with my grandma this month. She isn't in the best health and it's been nice to be able to be around her when it's not a crazy holiday. The kids have been able to get to know her more also and I'm so happy that they have that opportunity. She is an amazing woman and its tough to see her struggle with her memory. I hope that I am half as amazing as her when I am 84 years old.

We obviously celebrated Thanksgiving this month. For some reason I rarely take pictures on this holiday. We spend the weekend busy as usual. We were at Nana and Papas for Thanksgiving day and then headed up to the cabin for the rest of the weekend. We went to the annual xmas parade in Wolvertucky. The kids spent alot of time outdoors. We took pictures in with the pine trees that were planted in July so we would be able to see how they grow every year. It was a fun weekend, nice to spend time alone with my dad and Lorraine
A busy month of celebrating Christmas~my highlight would have to be spending some of it with my mom. I miss her and wish she didn't live so far away.
And thats that! I'm thankful for all that I have, all my friends, and my wonderful family. After doing this blog I have realized that I am one lucky woman. It's been a strange year, many ups and downs but there are very few things I would change. I'm hoping 2010 is better but who doesn't hope for that.
The blog is great...many reasons to be thankful for! I'm grateful for you :) Love you!