"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends"
"I have no trouble with my enemies. But my g*dd**m friends,...they are the ones that keep me walking the floor nights."
"I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new."
"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend"
“We always thought we'd look back on our tears and laugh, but we never thought we'd look back on our laughter and cry.”
Ive found that you can find quotes out there for any situation. Here are some of the ones I like best right now.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Where's Mason??

These were taken a little while ago. Most of you know that he hasn't been coming to day care lately due to daddy being able to stay with him during the day. I miss him soooo much. I loved that he was right in the room next door and I could go see him. I also loved that Kelli actually liked being at work cause she could see him all the time.
We all know that he is a lucky boy to be spending so much time with daddy but I sure look forward to the days when we get to chit chat everyday again. Don't forget about me little guy, remember me, I'm the one that gave you Continental Cake Frosting for the first time, sshhh don't tell Daddy!
Walmart shopping

Yes these are mens underwear. And don't worry about running right out to buy them they had several, and in several different styles. A whole clothing rack full of Super Hero underwear for men.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I have found myself thinking lately about people saying "God has a plan for me". When I think back to when I have heard people say it, including myself, it seems as if we say it when our life is going to pot. It's like our own little pep talk. Life is sucking but hey "God has a plan for me". I just did something really stupid and I'm paying the consequences for it but its ok because "God has a plan for me" I have no job, no car, no money, but "God has a plan for me" So I find myself wondering do people really believe that or is it them making an excuse. It's almost like you can do anything you want and then stand up and say "Hey God has a plan for me so this must be supposed to happen" Its almost like I think our lives are those books that they used to make with different endings, you choose a or b and then the story goes on for a little while and then you get to one of those places where you choose a or b again. So did He have a plan for us but many many many times we get off the track he meant for us and he has to reroute us to the right plan? Cause some of the things that I see people do or say or certain things that happen in this world...did He really mean for THAT to happen. Sometimes I wonder if He had a sense of humor. Suck it up, take responsibility for your actions and quit blaming it on the big Guy.
Disney's calling my name
24 more days and I'll be having some yummy dinner with Cinderella. Lucky you Mesha that means you get to read more Disney blogs!! Wishes do come true, I knew I couldn't make it taking a year off from my favorite place on earth.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Puppy love
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Dear Husbands
Dear Husbands,
When you are on the way home from spending a great afternoon with friends and your wife asks you how much gas is in the trail blazer and you say its almost empty and she then says can we stop and get some so I don't have to get some in the morning when its colder and I am running late but then she sees you don't really want to do that and she says stop and I'll pump the gas myself so you don't have to since I can see that you don't want to.....(whew take a breath). That DOES NOT mean stop at the gas station and sit in the trail blazer while she pumps the gas. Yes I know thats what I said but that IS NOT what I meant. What happened to chivalry? Really did you not see that I was HOPING that you would help me out and put gas in the dang blazer for me. What kind of message are you sending your son and daughter? Geesh! I don't like asking for help, I was hoping that you would just help out of the goodness of your heart.
Your frustrated wife
Dear Son,
When you grow up and have a girlfriend/wife please make sure that her vehicle has gas in it. Don't ask her if her vehicle needs it, don't ask her if she would like you to fill er up. Just very quietly do it. This is your job.
On a side note...if you're in one of those "I am woman hear me roar" relationships (God help you) you probably should make it known that you noticed her vehicle needs gas and say something like "I know your capable of getting your own gas, but I thought it might be nice if I filled up your car for you. Is that ok"
On second thought you should probably just ask me if the girl you are with needs to be asked or if she is a just fill it up kinda girl. That would be best!
Your loving mother
Dear Daughter,
If you are dating a man that never notices that your car needs gas and NEVER surprises you with a full tank of gas...dump his ass, there are other fish in the sea.
Your loving mother
When you are on the way home from spending a great afternoon with friends and your wife asks you how much gas is in the trail blazer and you say its almost empty and she then says can we stop and get some so I don't have to get some in the morning when its colder and I am running late but then she sees you don't really want to do that and she says stop and I'll pump the gas myself so you don't have to since I can see that you don't want to.....(whew take a breath). That DOES NOT mean stop at the gas station and sit in the trail blazer while she pumps the gas. Yes I know thats what I said but that IS NOT what I meant. What happened to chivalry? Really did you not see that I was HOPING that you would help me out and put gas in the dang blazer for me. What kind of message are you sending your son and daughter? Geesh! I don't like asking for help, I was hoping that you would just help out of the goodness of your heart.
Your frustrated wife
Dear Son,
When you grow up and have a girlfriend/wife please make sure that her vehicle has gas in it. Don't ask her if her vehicle needs it, don't ask her if she would like you to fill er up. Just very quietly do it. This is your job.
On a side note...if you're in one of those "I am woman hear me roar" relationships (God help you) you probably should make it known that you noticed her vehicle needs gas and say something like "I know your capable of getting your own gas, but I thought it might be nice if I filled up your car for you. Is that ok"
On second thought you should probably just ask me if the girl you are with needs to be asked or if she is a just fill it up kinda girl. That would be best!
Your loving mother
Dear Daughter,
If you are dating a man that never notices that your car needs gas and NEVER surprises you with a full tank of gas...dump his ass, there are other fish in the sea.
Your loving mother
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
skool sk8
Riverside's school skate was tonight. This is the first one that I have gone to. Jeremy usually takes the kids and I usually get a quiet night at home. Tonight he had to work so I went with them. It was CRAZYYYY! There were so many kids there. Jacob and Sarah were sooo sweaty when we left.
I'm a couponer!
I have to thank my sister in law Allison for introducing me to this. She was talking about couponing and saving money and I asked her about it and she gave me some awesome web sites. So yes I have been clipping coupons. I love shopping and then coming home to tell Jeremy that I spent $24.00 and saved $12.00. The other fun thing about the coupon web sites is the freebies. So far I have received free samples from several different companies...dog food, deoderent, lip gloss, perfume, etc.
Today when I got home there was a few fun things in the mail.
2. An issue of Self magazine (yup I scored a years subscription for FREE).
3. A little while later the doorbell rang. When I answered it there was a fed ex box on the step. In it was my free sample of dream drops hair serum. It's supposed to tame frizzy hair. It smells great.
All of these fun things for FREE!!
So thank you Allison for introducing me to this new hobby. It came at a great time to help keep my mind of the high school shananagins going on with the bffs. Plus I'm saving a bunch of money and getting stuff for FREE!
I didn't sleep too well last night. Not sure where this all went wrong. Looking back on when this started I hope I learned my lesson. I'm outspoken I always have been but this wasn't the time to do what "Ive always done" I shouldve kept my mouth shut. I'm told I wasn't asked for my opinion although I do disagree with that. I'm pretty sure at the time she wanted to know what I thought. I shouldve lied. Then none of this wouldve happened. Its out of control and I just want it all to stop. I don't care anymore....can someone tag me out?
Monday, January 18, 2010
Yup it's Dead!
So sad!
Happy Hour in the Manger
This isn't the best picture of our manger but there are two things to notice in it. First Sarah added some of her own animals, one of which is wearing a Santa hat. Everytime I would go over to it to arrange the pieces Sarah would go back and move them all in close. She said they had to be able to see baby Jesus. I put some greens from our tree around it just to add a little bit, but she moved it out. She said that they didn't have Christmas trees in the manger....but yet the deer wore Santa hats????
Thursday, January 14, 2010
1) 96% of people put the peanut butter on first when making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
2) Your brain is 80% water.
3) Long Acre Square was the original name of New York's Times Square.
4) The human heart can create enough pressure that it could squirt blood at a distance of thirty feet.
5) On average, it is estimated that females injure themselves ten times more than males do while playing sports.
Why, I'm not sure why, I just felt like it...
2) Your brain is 80% water.
3) Long Acre Square was the original name of New York's Times Square.
4) The human heart can create enough pressure that it could squirt blood at a distance of thirty feet.
5) On average, it is estimated that females injure themselves ten times more than males do while playing sports.
Why, I'm not sure why, I just felt like it...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Why if it's OUR house and OUR holiday and OUR Christmas crap am I the only one that has to deal with putting it away....??
Monday, January 11, 2010
This is probably only funny to me but oh well.
Last year for Christmas we went to Bay City for the whole holiday. So we packed everything...presents, stockings, yummy baked goods etc. But one thing we couldn't pack was the fish tank that Sarah was getting. So we left it all set up on the counter so it would be the first thing she saw when we got home. So when we opened the door when we got home she was super excited and so happy that she had one more present. She kept asking why she got it and I just said "I guess you just got one last present."
Sooooo now that you know that story...
Tonight Sarah says to me as we're curled up on the couch watching SpongeBob. "Mom remember last year when I got my fish tank and it was my one last present." And I say "yes Sarah I remember, why?" and she says "So when am I gonna get my one last present this year?"
Last year for Christmas we went to Bay City for the whole holiday. So we packed everything...presents, stockings, yummy baked goods etc. But one thing we couldn't pack was the fish tank that Sarah was getting. So we left it all set up on the counter so it would be the first thing she saw when we got home. So when we opened the door when we got home she was super excited and so happy that she had one more present. She kept asking why she got it and I just said "I guess you just got one last present."
Sooooo now that you know that story...
Tonight Sarah says to me as we're curled up on the couch watching SpongeBob. "Mom remember last year when I got my fish tank and it was my one last present." And I say "yes Sarah I remember, why?" and she says "So when am I gonna get my one last present this year?"
Saturday, January 9, 2010
A girls day
These pictures are all from my phone so they're not that good.
Sarah and I had a girls day today. We dropped Quinn off at home and headed to the movies.
We went to see the Princess and the Frog. I thought it was really good. There was quite a bit of voodoo in it so I think there will probably be some parents that make comments about that. For all the hype about Disney making a movie with an African American princess for the first time, she was only in it for about 15 minutes total, the rest of the time she was a frog.

Ha! Sarah in the dressing room at Children's Place. She is big on trying things on in the dressing rooms lately. She like to pose and check herself out in front of the big mirror.

Of course we had to stop at the toy store in the mall for some play time.

A good FYI or a bad FYI
I went to Starbucks for a drink this afternoon. When I pulled up to the drivetru window I asked if they still had peppermint mochas. Much to my delight she said of course so I ordered a large cause I was so happy!
So when I got to the window she handed it to me and said "Just so you know we have these year round not just at Christmas time!! WHAT????? Oh she shouldn't have told me that. On one hand I am so super excited to know that but on the other hand its kinda like one of those special things I thought was for a special time of year. Right now Im kinda sad that I found it out but I can guarantee that come July I will be super excited when I am craving a Venti Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks!!
So when I got to the window she handed it to me and said "Just so you know we have these year round not just at Christmas time!! WHAT????? Oh she shouldn't have told me that. On one hand I am so super excited to know that but on the other hand its kinda like one of those special things I thought was for a special time of year. Right now Im kinda sad that I found it out but I can guarantee that come July I will be super excited when I am craving a Venti Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I love Mail
and found a whole bunch of the packing bubble things they use now. So I dug down in the box and found two skinny boxes.
I'm so super excited to use these products. They are rub ons from a company called 3 birds. Apparently they are an awesome new company.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
More bad News
Apparently Kenny is still dating Miss Tennessee AND he bought her two adorable puppies for Christmas!

When Kenny Chesney flew into Bardstown-Nelson County Airport in Kentucky with his girlfriend on Dec.18 to buy a couple of MaltiPoo puppies, breeder Cathy Adamson at Puppies Plus didn't realize she was picking up a country superstar at the airport."I didn't have any idea who he was to start with," Cathy tells the Kentucky Standard. Apparently Cathy had only been speaking with Kenny's girlfriend -- Miss Tennessee 2008, Amy Colley -- and the contract was in her name.Giving Kenny and Amy the celebrity treatment by picking them up from the airport, the breeder says the singer was wearing a beanie hat, and introduced himself simply as 'Kenny.' Cathy recalls the new dog owner as being very down to earth and sweet, as he sat on the couch laughing, letting the puppy crawl up his chest to lick his face.After spending about a half hour picking out puppies, Kenny and Amy settled on two female teacup MaltiPoos, who only weighed about 23 ounces each. When they're fully grown, the pups will be about four pounds. Kenny and Amy named them Molly and Dolly.On the drive back to the airport, the breeder says Kenny e-mailed pictures of the puppies from his iPhone. After Kenny and Amy boarded their jet, the breeder was told upon leaving by a crew member that she'd just sold puppies to Kenny Chesney. Stunned, she went back onboard and said, "Don't tell me you're Kenny Chesney." Kenny's response? Simply, "Yeah, I am."
Happy New Year!
Lucky girl that happened today, didn't take long for her to do her resolution!
(is that how you word it...do your resolution????)
Let's try this again....
So far this year hasn't been so grand.
I believe I'll try again on the 4th. I said that the New Year didn't start till Monday for my diet so I think I'll let the "NEW YEAR" start on the 4th for everything!!
Friday, January 1, 2010
My Year in Review
Here's to 2009! I'm thinking this will be a long blog. I was thinking back over the year and decided to try and post some pictures that might not have been included earlier. Once I started I decided to document the whole year. So enjoy!
We rang in the New Year at the Couch house. Spending time with friends was a great way to start the year.
I say this is Feb but it might have been March but oh well.
Emily and I like to take the girls to do a "girls day" every year. This year we went to Disney on Ice and to the Grand Rapids mall. The girls brought one of their Build a Bears and got to pick out a new outfit for them. They loved riding the carousel.
More preparations for the wedding, getting mom drunk!! lol This is the night she broke the chair at the Wil lew. Good times!
My baby turned 9, oh where have the years gone. He is a wonderful son, kind, caring, and handsome.
He had a sleep over party with these boys!! What a crazy night!
Welcome to the world Mason James Morales. He surprised us all on April Fools day. Needless to say I didn't believe Kelli when she called me at 11 at night to tell me she was going to the hospital cause her water broke. I felt sure that I would call her in the morning and she would say it was a false alarm. NOPE!! I woke up in the morning to text telling me that this little guy was born. OHHHH how I love him. He is so cuddly and happy. Dave and Kelli are doing an amazing job with him, he's a great little guy.
What a fun and amazing weekend. Our whole family was in the wedding party. The kids looked sooooo cute all dressed up and they were so excited to be such a big part of Josh and Allisons day. I'm so happy for Josh, he is so happy. I really think that these two complete each other. I wish them MANY MANY happy years together.
Spending time with my brothers, something I rarely get to do. So much fun.

Jeremy celebrated his 36th birthday
The kids continued their tradition of coloring eggs with Nana. Something that Jacob has done every year since he's been born.
Jeremy celebrated his 36th birthday
We usually go camping for Memorial day weekend and this year we went just the four of us to South Haven state park. The Bracks visited us for the day. Some of us went for a walk down by the water. This is one of my favorite pictures. I'm not very happy with my image being that I have a large amount of weight to lose but someday we'll retake this picture and I'll look the way Ive always wanted to.

Jeremy tried to give Jacob lessons on chopping wood. We had a nice relaxing weekend.

One of my favorite weekends away. I'm realizing this year, that things don't stay the same, whether you want them to or not. But I do know that God has a plan for us and we have to believe in our hearts that things will work out the way they are supposed to. We all have to make our own decisions but that doesn't change the fact that I love these girls even if I don't agree with the choices we've made. Who am I to judge right? And on that note, this could be it's own blog by itself so I'll leave it at that.
Jeremy tried to give Jacob lessons on chopping wood. We had a nice relaxing weekend.
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