I'm struggling with ideas to blog about.
I struggle with what is appropriate to put out there for all to read.
Since some of those blog ideas are taking up the majority of my thoughts its hard to put those aside to think of appropriate blog ideas.
I also haven't been taking many photos lately so there isn't any fun photos to post.
So in an effort to post more I'm going to have to get random, lol
2. Jeremy emailed me today to let me know that they are offering a CCW class at his work. He asked if I wanted to take it. I DO!! I've been wanting to go to the gun range for awhile now. The classes can be expensive but this one is a really reasonable price. I think we may both take it. The only problem with that is once we've had the class we are both going to want a handgun.
3. I'm addicted to the Bachelor. Even in all it's ridiculousness I can't stop watching. I do love how they seem to have caught on that we all love a villan. Courtney last year, now Tierra. She is so awful. Would someone seriously throw themselves down the stairs and fake a frozen spell? Not saying that she did but she lovessssss attention. I can't believe that this nice sweet christian family lovin man is even interested in this woman. Why don't these men learn that when ALL the women in the house hate someone theres something up! If reality steve is right then I know who he picks, and I like her for him. They haven't showed them together very much but I assume because its obvious they reeeaaalllyyy like each other. Their date together was very normal.
4. Sarah made me breakfast in bed this morning. Coffee, peanut butter toast, and 2 daisies. It was so sweet. I heard her moving around downstairs so I was going to get up and go get her some breakfast. She said "nooooo mom don't get up, you have to stay in bed" She was so very proud when she carried it upstairs.
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As much as she would like for me to tell you this is what it looked like, this is not a picture of my breakfast. I'm sure mine tasted better! |
She sent us an update today and it looks like there are tests and dr vists ahead but today he's doing good. She also mentioned its hard to not smother and spoil him. And when I read that, I thought when your child's life flashes in front of you how do you not smother and spoil them, at least for a little while.
again with the crying. You just understand me so well that when you talk to or about us it makes me cry. Thanks for the Love.