I don't know where I've been. I'm sure I lost all of my 13 followers but I just wasn't into it. We really haven't done anything that I've wanted to put out for everyone to know about. It's been a tough couple of months but I'm hoping that things can only get better. We have been busy. The kids both played a fall sport, Jacob with football and Sarah with soccer. Jeremy has been working on the upstairs bathroom and I've been drudging through life.
Sarah's joined a new girl scout troop and we went to the Binder Park Zoo to do the pumpkin carve. It was a freezing cold, drizzly kind of day. We took little Sarah with us and hurried up and carved two pumpkins. They both had a lot of fun so I guess I'm glad that we went.
Sarah's been helping out with yard work a lot lately. We spent two days after school last week picking up leaves. Thankfully the weather has stayed pretty nice. Tucker LOVES the leaves. Well he loved to eat the leaves and roll in the leaves.
Jacob's gotten to the point where he doesn't want his picture taken anymore. When Jeremy took him to his camp out a couple weeks ago he had to pay him $5 bucks to let him take a pic of him dressed up like a zombie. AND he had to promise not to post it on facebook. So I promised him no facebook pictures, but he doesn't know about the blog. haha
He's so grown up. He still wants to do kid things like carve pumpkins but sometimes he has to pretend that he doesn't want to do it. Christmas should be fun this year. I'm hoping he'll still help with the gingerbread house. I'll probably have to promise him half the candy lol.
This picture he let me take because I said I had to send it to Grandma Turkey. He'll still do just about anything for her. I think he's hoping he'll get to go visit her sometime soon. NOT WITHOUT ME!!
Nice post. Very real. Love you guys.