WHAT? It's 2011 already???

When did that happen??

We rang in the New Year with the Couch family and Mrs. Mesha this year.
A quiet night hanging out with best friends, chatting, eating, enjoying Dick Clark while trying to decipher what the heck he was saying....

having a few drinks, watching the children eat plate after plate full of junk food,

catching some Urbandale fireworks, watching a childless couple (not Mesha) suffer through a New Years celebration not because they desperately want children but pretty much because they don't like children, whatever AND

Dancing the night away!!

We're loving the Just Dance Wii game. I rented it from Family Video cause I wasn't sure if we would like it. I'm pretty sure I'll be watching for a good sale so I can pick up a copy of our own.
We couldn't talk Mrs. Mesha into trying it but April and I gave it a whirl, so fun.
It was an enjoyable night, that ended with a ride home in our brand new (new to us, not brand new) Chevy Suburban!!

Gotta love a man that isn't embarrassed to "Just Dance" while everyone watches!
love Sarahs hair, she really gets into it!
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