I feel like I have been up and running since the alarm went off at 6 am this morning....
went to work,
took Sarah to school,
went to WW (only lost .8 bummer),
went to Starbucks (mmmm),
went back to work and actually worked, needed about another 2 hours to get everything done that I needed to do,
left early cause the kids had 1/2 day,
came home and picked up hurricane Sarah and Jacob that went through when they got off the bus,
made lunch (another reason I hate 1/2 days),
cleaned up lunch,
downloaded a bunch of pictures onto Walgreens,
ordered two mini photo albums for my mom for V-day (great price, check out hiptosave.com for the deal),
called Disney to confirm airlines and hotel reservations because we got our Disney mail today and it didn't have flight info on it but it did have our luggage tags (only 37 more days),
did some dishes,
did some laundry,
snuggled with Sarah while she was watching some DUMB show on Disney channel,
scrap booked a mini card/book for a new mommy,
organized some of my scrap stuff so I can scrap tomorrow night,
made some dinner,
chatted with Jake a little bit (he's not feeling well),
wrapped a present for a 4 yr olds party this weekend,
thought about how much this blog is going to drive Kelli nuts cause the punctuation and grammar is all wrong teehee,
made a grocery list for tomorrow,
did bill pay on Bank of Amercia,
and now I'm blogging.
I'd like to find some Valentine crafts to do but nothing is interesting to me. I may make a topiary but I kinda feel like I've done that not really interested.
So now I guess I'll go clean up the kitchen from dinner and get the kids in the shower. Tomorrow will be more of the same, my little lovlies have another 1/2 day.