Sunday, October 10, 2010

This is one of those blogs that you might just wanna skip. Im typing whats going through my head right now so its going to come out all messed up im sure.
Jacob had been playing outside all day with the kids in the neighborhood so when I went out the front door to pick up the shopper and found him sitting on the porch alone I asked him where everyone was. He told me they were all at C's house. I asked him why he wasnt there also and he immediately got teary eyed (damn it if he didn't get my easy to cry gene). He said he didn't want to play because when they were playing some game where they have to tag each other C pushed him into a tree and he hit his head. I asked if he was ok and he said he was. So being the tough love mom that I am I said to jake that he needed to toughen up a bit especially if he wanted to play football next year. I said why didn't you tell him not to push you or push him back (yes I told him that, sorry). He said I did and he called me a fat crybaby. So I said im sorry buddy and he said Im just gonna come in the house. Now this little c kid lives on the corner in a perfect little 2 story house with his perfect bratty blond sister and their perfect cute little parents. They are very strong Christians and they don't believe in public schools, they homeschool because its just better, thats what they blond sister told me. So coincidently they are two of the worst children in the neighborhood. So now Im feeling bad for Jake and I start thinking about growing up a fat kid in school. Its awful, people are so cruel. I honestly think that why I am so sarcastic smart ass defensive obnoxious person. I had to have a tough skin to put up with all the fat jokes and people picking on me in school. I do not want that for Jacob, but what can I do about it. When we got in the car to take Jacob to scouts I started to tell the kids how wrong it is to pick on people and that they should try to always stick up for people and never join in if there are people making fun of someone else. And I start to cry, I can't even get through what Im trying to tell them. I tell them that kids are mean that they should try to be better people. Sarah says "I know mom, C likes to put basketballs under his shirt and say look at me Im fat Jacob" OMG. So now Im crying still and Jacobs just looking like he doesn't know what to say. So through my tears I just tell him that I love him and that hes a good person and that he should just remember that. I tell Sarah that she should stick up for her brother and tell those kids they are mean and that she shouldn't play with them if they do that to her brother. What I really want to do is walk down to their house and tell them what little assholes they are. I want to tell their parents what their little precious children are doing when their not looking. But considering they are both beautiful blonde thin human beings they probably wouldn't understand what it feels like to be made fun of cause your fat. I was recently talking with Mesha about the bullying stuff thats been in the paper and on tv lately. As a parent what do you do. If its happening here in our neighborhood its probably happening at school too.....Im sick about this. I hated school I can still remember the boys that called me fat and made fun of me. One time I had a tshirt that I had gotten from chicago on, it was from Ed Debevics restaurant and on the front of it it said "eat at eds" and this kid from school said in front of a bunch of people oh if she eats at eds there wont be any left for the rest of us. I was like 13 and I remember that feeling like it was yesterday. Everyone around us laughed, even though I thought most of them were my friends.
Forget the sleepness nights and terrible twos, watching your child get picked on is the worst thing about being a parent.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry Nicole. My heart breaks for both of you. I can't believe how insensitive some children can be, and how completely oblivious or non-caring their parents can be. I'm not a fan of home-schooling, because I think that it keeps children from learning how to exist in society. Every child I have ever encountered that was home-schooled was a bully or rude. They think that the world revolves around them and don't know how to deal with other children that are different. (I apologize to anyone that was home-schooled and turned out to be a fantastic person.) Have you considered talking to the school counselor for advice on how to handle it? Jacob is far too young to have this pattern start now. It is just too cruel and unfair for someone his age to accept. If you ever need to talk, I'm always here. If you need someone to pay that house a visit, I'm here for that too. ;-)
