whew what a day!
Taking Jacob and Sarah school clothes shopping isn't like it used to be.
This is the first year that they HAD to go with me.
They are both kind of in between sizes so they had to try things on.
Yes I said try things on!!
Jacob must've tried on 10 pairs of pants before we figured out what size to buy him.
Sarah wanted to try everything on in the store, and don't even get me started about all the CRAP that they have in the stores for girls her age.
Here's the outcome,
2 pair of shoes
4 pair of jeans
a belt
package of underwear, haha
3 long sleeve shirts
2 short sleeve shirts
2 sweatshirts
1 pair of jeans
1 pair of Khakis
1 pair of capris
4 pair of shoes
1 dress
2 pair of leggins
3 short sleeve shirts
2 long sleeve shirts
1 great big headache cause we're not done yet, haven't even bought school supplies yet!!
Give me their lists I will go buy their supplies. I love school supplies.