Some of Battle Creek's finest!
Lady to the left, sporting a purple sequin jacket and blonde/brownish mullet
lady to the right wearing a lovely handmade balloon crown


Yes I know, not a very nice post but I have to wonder what people are thinking. Then I begin to wonder is there someone out there taking a picture of my hair. Maybe to puffy or surely way too gray. What about your upbringing makes you wear your hair the way you do. Recently someone came into my life that has truely awful hair. I KNOW she has no idea. I KNOW she thinks its beautiful. And maybe I'm wrong maybe others love it too. I'm pretty sure she could hide things in her hair....maybe she does. Maybe thats why she does it. Next time I'm around her I might pretend like I need a pen desperately and can't find one, maybe she'll say "hey wait a minute, I have one right here" and pull one out.
I'll let you know what happens.
a pen might not be all you find in there.