Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Too Much

My dear friends the Madziars are the proud owners of this gem.
These are lovely underwear that I found at a Lane Bryant store. Two things about this...No I did not buy them and yes I looked like a total nutcase taking a picture of this mannequin but they made me laugh so hard I couldn't resist. Next time you see a full figured gal walking down the road just know that she may have these panties on!!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Freakin Friday
Ha this picture makes me laugh.
That's my Uncle Gary and Aunt Colleen. They live in Hermosa Beach, CA.
This is one of the pictures I found when I googled Hermosa Beach.

Since staying with my mother is Scutsonville Florida I'm a little leary of people telling me they live by the ocean and it's within walking distance. If you haven't heard that story you may want to check out the Fl trip of Feb. (moms got a great house but far from beach front girls weekend getaway).

So I have high hopes for this trip. My cousin Misty and I are going...and we've been talking about going for about 4 years so it's been a long time coming. Everyone who has visited talks about how beautiful it is and how much fun they've had.
Poor Gary and Colleen, they have a lot of hype to live up to.
It won't take much to impress me, I think it's cool we're flying in to LAX!
My Uncle Gary, Me, cousin Drew, sis in law Allison, bro Josh, cousin Sylvia, Aunt Colleen, Aunt Barb, and hubby.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Random Thoughts
I'm the dishwasher unloader. I never asked for this job I'm just the one that does it the most often. So I was a little irked the last (first) time he did it and complained about how I loaded it. Apparently I didn't put the bowls in the right way. My first thought..when you do the unloading you can complain about the loading, my second thought...well lets just say I kept all my thoughts to myself and I'm sure that I continue to load incorrectly and I'm ok with that.
I'm the boss right? So I shouldn't feel bad about telling someone they're doing something wrong and correct them, right? And I shouldn't care if they think I'm being "bitchy" cause I don't think sitting in the same chair all day long is ok, right?
Why is it when I have time to sit down and watch the season finale of Gossip Girl it isn't on yet?
I've read several things lately about custody issues. I believe we are getting to the day and age when it isn't just assumed that the mom is the "best" place for the kids. One of those reasons why I never became a judge (yes a judge lol). I wouldn't want to be the one that makes those decisions. What if you're wrong?
Thats all I got folks. This was supposed to be a Random Tuesday but too bad its now Wednesday, deal with it.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
My Soccer Star!
Ok so this might be her favorite time of the game. Enjoying Ms. Mesha's lap and catching up on some reading. (yes this was while the game was going on)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Family Fun Night 2010

Poor Mason
And he's so dang cute when it happens that we just have to run and get our cameras.
Sorry about the pictures not being very good but I didn't know this was a Mason picture taking day so they were with my cell.
Eventually Mrs. Mesha did have to save him!


Yes I know, not a very nice post but I have to wonder what people are thinking. Then I begin to wonder is there someone out there taking a picture of my hair. Maybe to puffy or surely way too gray. What about your upbringing makes you wear your hair the way you do. Recently someone came into my life that has truely awful hair. I KNOW she has no idea. I KNOW she thinks its beautiful. And maybe I'm wrong maybe others love it too. I'm pretty sure she could hide things in her hair....maybe she does. Maybe thats why she does it. Next time I'm around her I might pretend like I need a pen desperately and can't find one, maybe she'll say "hey wait a minute, I have one right here" and pull one out.
I'll let you know what happens.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Scrappy Chicks
Another scrap book weekend has come and gone. What a great time! I'm still bummed that we didn't go for longer. Due to job and money constraints we only went for one night this year but two full days.
I only finished 14 pages and I'm sad about that.
I almost had to fight a woman for our lunch table which is UNBELIEVABLE but I restrained and I think she could see I was serious cause she backed off. People are crazy at these things. It's as if they have never seen brads on sale for $1 or paper in that shade of red.
I go for the time to scrapbook and the time with my bffs but man people watching sure is fun too.

Kelli's first time
I hope that it was all that she thought it would be.
Our room was awesome. I found a really good deal that I was a little leary about but when we got there we realized it was a great deal. Other than the possible murder in the room next door (jk) and the iffy elevator, it was amazing.