Some of our ornaments.... Newly purchased this year from the Christmas store downtown Disney!
always have to believe
oh, look at that, more Mickey
My favorite new ornament from Josh and Allison for my birthday, ah Mickey
For all my BFF's
The manger...set up with love by Sarah...
Sarah's designer tree, thats what she called it, haha
The advent calendar and the yearly pictures of the kids decorating the tree in their Christmas pjs.
The beautifulest tree ever!! haha what the heck does that spell.... The stockings were hung by the chimney with care....
This is my favorite decoration, doesn't he look like "our" Santa!! Not so much for the decorations, but dontcha love my new hutch. Thank you to my wonderful in-laws. It only took me like 10 minutes to fill it up. After the holidays my china will finally come out of the box that its been in for about 11 years!
Some of my snowman collection, oh I have many more!
love the decorations.