Jacob and Sarah first day of school last year
They are both growing up so fast. Sometimes I feel like it was just yesterday that they were babies. I'm happy with the age that they are now. I really like them right now...I know that sounds strange but I mean I actually like them as a person, not just my child. I think they are both pretty neat. I love that Jacob is so kind hearted, sentimental, sensitive, smart, detail oriented, stubborn, and so freakin cute still. I love that Sarah loves to sing and dance, smile, pretend to be shy, be helpful, loves school, likes to make new friends but is still afraid to knock on the neighbors door by herself, and again so freaking cute still. I love how they both worry about others, not in an obsessive way but they really care. A perfect example of this is my friend Cortnie...now I'm not just writing this cause I know she'll read it but I think its a perfect example. Cortnie spent alot of time with us this past weekend. At one point Sarah asked "why is Ms. Cortnie here again" not to be mean just cause at 6 she wanted to know why Ms. Cortnie was here again lol. So I said to Sarah "Ms. Cortnie's kids are with their dad and its a holiday weekend and noone wants to sit home alone so mommy and daddy have asked her to spend time with us." Sarah seemed happy with this answer so she went about her business. Today after school we were talking about her first day and Sarah asked when Ms. Cortnie was coming over. I told her not today but maybe another day to which Sarah immediately looked distraught and I asked her what was wrong. She said "Are Zach and Lauren home with her?" and when I told her yes she said "ok good, cause we don't want her to be lonely"
Isn't that so sweet!!
So Cortnie I'm afraid your stuck with us, at least until Mr. Wonderful comes along....then he'll have to come over too.
Thanks for posting that Nicole! That means a lot to me!! I'm good with being stuck with you guys... and it looks like you might be stuck with hanging out with Mr. Wonderful sooner than expected. ;-)