So on Tuesday I had to spend my day at KCC, Kellogg Community College. For my job we go there and set up a table, somewhat for advertising somewhat for recruiting employees. Melissa from the Oakland site was kind enough to join me for the day so I wouldn't have to be alone.

Ok back to the post. Here is my list
1. "Are these made out of shark oil?" (referring to condoms, beggers can't be choosers)
2. Man "These are flavored condoms." Student "Alright! The edible ones!"
3. Man referring to condoms "The color isn't really for anything, its just an eye grabber"
4. student taking a handful of condoms "wow they only gave us one at Bronco Bash"
5. Cute blond picks up a dental dam and a crazy looking woman says "Don't take that, those are for lesbians" to which the blond drops it like its on fire.
6. student asking about a dental dam "OHHHH I thought it was for dental work" man says "nope it lays over your vulva"
7. Someone at the booth on the other side of us says to a girl "are you a baseball player" to which the girl responds "yes I am" and they said back to her "I thought so, you look like one" WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???
You can not imagine all the people that walked up to this booth not having any idea what was being handed out, and then watching most of their faces as they tried to sneak away without being obvious. Although there were a handful of people, mostly boys, that took one of each sample and more if they could.