I'm a weirdo, I know it. I'm still all twitterpated about this weekend. I'm on the downside, kinda sad that its over but I still smile really big when I think about it. How do you explain being star struck? lol I just really like Kenny Chesney I guess.
I love that he loves what he does, and maybe a bit envious that he lives the life that he does. How cool is that when he looks out into the crowd of thousands of people screaming for him. I like to think that he appreciates it, I imagine that he knows how lucky he is. I hope that he is as down to earth as I totally assume he is. I think he has that lazy I can do nothing and be happy attitude. I wonder if thats why he isn't married, no woman could stand a man that is happy doin nothing. I picture him being like oh crap I have no jeans to wear I guess Ill go buy a pair, screw doin laundry. He seems too real to have people that do laundry for him. He probably wears his clothes 5 days in a row, then throws them away and gets new ones. OMG where am I goin with this, I have no idea lmaoooooo Like I said I'm a weirdo!
SO about this weekend.....it was a good time. Seriously I would do it all over again. I wouldn't change anything except maybe getting my own Charles Kelly autograph,
I wish that the chick in Lady Antebellum would dye her hair,
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