Sunday, August 30, 2009
I Go Back!

Like I said I don't understand the obsession, but I know he loves it and I guess thats what matters. After all I don't expect him to understand my hobby. He wouldn't understand the thrill of finding just the right paper for the perfect picture. He doesn't get it when I take a picture and I can't wait to print it because I know just the right lay out I'm gonna use. So thats why it works for us to have seperate hobbies. Thats why several nights or weekends a year we go our own ways and do what we love...seperately!

Friday, August 28, 2009
All You Need to Know
“Slowly,” he commands his bandmates as they turn the corner to face the camera. “And be iconic.”
The singer is clad in a sleeveless T-shirt, tight jeans and a palm-leaf straw cowboy hat. He leads a 13-piece band, replete with horns, percussion and as many as five guitars. At the foot of the three-tiered drum riser, a dozen brightly colored bras dangle from a stand, collected as offerings from the audience. That’s about as risqué as the show gets. Chesney is a PG entertainer, his two-hour concert slamming rapid-fire from one hit to the next as he surveys a 15-year career that has produced 20 No. 1 country singles, from the hackwork “She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy” to Everyman anthems such as “Back Where I Come From.”
Not bad for a guy who came to music relatively late in life. As a kid he was obsessed with sports. As a baseball player, he modeled his game after “Charley Hustle” --- the now-disgraced baseball star Pete Rose who made his reputation with his all-out style.
He grew up hustling in Luttrell, Tenn., outside Knoxville, the son of a hairdresser mother and a schoolteacher father. His parents divorced when he was young, and his mother remarried to a construction worker. He describes a humble life that revolved around “friends, family, school, church … and girls.” He was one of 135 students in his 1986 high school graduating class
“We were lower-middle class and everyone I knew was --- we didn’t know there was anything different,” he says in his tour bus a few hours before the show. “I have this theory … this is a bit of curveball, but people who are really good kissers never have anything given to them. People who can’t kiss had everything given to them. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’m a helluva kisser.”
Chesney laughs uproariously. In public, he wears his cowboy hat (or, in his more casual moments, a baseball cap) 24-7 to cover up a scalp that has been balding since he was 19. His muscular torso belies his smallish 5-foot-7-inch frame. Backstage, the 41-year-old singer could pass for a kid half his age, dressed down in baggy basketball shorts and hatless after a morning workout. He is a bundle of tightly wired energy with boyish, almost elfin facial features and ears. He is fighting a cold, but becomes animated in conversation, pondering questions while rubbing his face until it flushes red.
More Kenny for My Friend
"I was a cheerleader in college, so I've done my time on the sidelines and at countless pep rallies. We'd always be pretty moved watching the team give the game everything they had. But I've never been as moved as I was when I heard Kenny Chesney's "This Is Our Moment." It's the song he put together for ESPN that will debut during the College Football Kickoff Weekend on Thursday (Sept. 3). When you hear it, you'll hear how he finds these parallels between his attitude and that of the players.
When he opens the tune with hard-charging guitars and "We've been sweatin' our whole life long, just to get this right/It's a work hard, hit hard struggle, it's a sacrifice," you aren't really sure who exactly he's talking about. Because that struggle and sacrifice is one both artists and athletes know well. The good ones, anyway.
Then it all starts to make sense. He's talking about the football players, right? Because he says it's time to blow it up, time to lock and load, time to take the field, time to start the show. And the chorus, about "This is our moment/This is our time/And we ain't holding back, we're laying it all on the line/This is our destiny/It's our night to shine," feels like it's all about the team and how hard they've worked for this chance to go out and do what they've practiced so long and hard for.
But can't the same be said of Chesney and his sport? Yes, and so it goes in the second verse when he touches on the motivation for making music (pretty girls) and how his moment arrives when it's time to turn it up, time to rock 'n' roll, time to take the stage, time to start the show. With just one listen you'll sense how well Chesney has captured, both musically and lyrically, the energy, passion, drive and anticipation that athletes and artists feel right before they take their kind of field. That is their moment. "
Thursday, August 27, 2009
"What guy who loves girls wouldn't be angry about that ...? I didn't sign up for that. I think people need to live their lives the way they want to, but I'm pretty confident in the fact that I love girls (laughs). I've got a long line of girls who could testify that I am not gay."
In a 60 Minutes interview to be aired this Sunday, country star Kenny Chesney talks to Anderson Cooper for the first time about his divorce to Renee Zellweger. In the interview, Chesney speaks out about the separation papers which listed "fraud" as the reason for the annulment. He says many people assumed that the fraudulence referred to his sexuality:
"The only fraud that was committed was me thinking that I knew what it was like ... that I really understood what it was like to be married, and I really didn't. We thought the least harmful (stated reason) was fraud because it (is) kind of broad … doesn't specify. And boy … we were wrong...It's not true (that I'm gay). Period. Maybe I should have come out and said no, I'm not (gay), but I didn't want to draw any more attention to it … I didn't have to prove to anybody that I wasn't (gay) … I didn't feel like I really did...Even though I'd sit here and say I wish we'd gotten divorced instead of all that annulment stuff and saved me a lot of public humiliation … I still don't have any regrets. I loved her, you know? And it was real."
All that and MESHA doesn't think he's gay!
In My Wildest Dreams!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Never Gonna Feel That Way Again
I love that he loves what he does, and maybe a bit envious that he lives the life that he does. How cool is that when he looks out into the crowd of thousands of people screaming for him. I like to think that he appreciates it, I imagine that he knows how lucky he is. I hope that he is as down to earth as I totally assume he is. I think he has that lazy I can do nothing and be happy attitude. I wonder if thats why he isn't married, no woman could stand a man that is happy doin nothing. I picture him being like oh crap I have no jeans to wear I guess Ill go buy a pair, screw doin laundry. He seems too real to have people that do laundry for him. He probably wears his clothes 5 days in a row, then throws them away and gets new ones. OMG where am I goin with this, I have no idea lmaoooooo Like I said I'm a weirdo!
SO about this was a good time. Seriously I would do it all over again. I wouldn't change anything except maybe getting my own Charles Kelly autograph,
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thats Why I'm Here!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I'm talking about the people that are in the front, not from where the pic was taken. A dream come true!
Sorry about the crappy picture but I couldn't find anything better on such short notice!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I Will Stand
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The life
We did have some fun, Cortnie played with the kids. Don't let her tell you that she HAD to climb up there to get Lauren, Lauren was just fine. Poor April had to ride way back in the back due to seat belt issues!
Nowhere to go, Nowhere to be!
So we went to Shipshewana of those impromptu trips that just sorta falls together at the last minute. Mesha and I scrambled to find somebody to work for her, I asked my boss if I could have a day off, oh wait a minute I don't have a boss, anyway it all just sorta happened. Even though it was lots of walking it almost just felt like we were wandering along with nowhere else we had to be, kinda nice.
sooo.........they have lots of bras, underwear and purses. If you don't need any of those three things you might want to skip it. I've heard that it has changed alot. My mom used to go and bring back tons of stuff. Maybe thats where she bought our underwear, i'm not sure.
I still love to go. I love the yummy chicken and noodles lunch and I love eating dinner at the Essenhaus. So I guess if you need some large underwear...

or if you just want some yummy food, definitely go.
The time spent with good friends makes any trip worth it. Kathie, Cortnie, Mesha, April and I had a fabulous day. Kathie picked up some Christmas gifts, Cortnie got sunburned again, Mesha is no longer a shipshe virgin, I tried real hard to keep my leaf turned over, and April ....well April got a nice nap on the way home...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Somebodys' Callin
and I'm also pretty sure that now that I can text I hate it even more.
I find myself irrated that people don't have texting on their phone.
My sis in law pointed out to me tonight that I haven't returned her three phone calls from last week (was it really three?) and I don't have a real good reason why.
well ok one is that I forgot but other than that I just don't like to call people.
Could it be because I talk on the phone alot at work (man imagine if I wouldve taken that National City job)?
I love facebook and blogging and I used to love myspace until I found facebook. But if I can't find it out on facebook I don't really find it out.
My parents are both horrible communicators so maybe thats why I hate the phone. Sometimes I can go weeks without talking to my mom or dad and thats because they hate the phone too. They never call me, I never call them.
Why am I blogging about this???? I have no idea, maybe because I'm supposed to be calling you about something and I don't really want to.
I should call my dad and ask how the garden is growing and if they saw the bear again?
I should call my mom and tell her that I don't want her to live in Fl full time?
I should call my brother and ask him if everything is ok cause he called me today and he must hate the phone too cause he never calls me either
I should call Allison and tell her I truely am sorry that I haven't called her back but that I am soooo super stoked for our concert in 18 freakin days.
I should call everyone of my bffs and tell them that I love them and that I am grateful for them whether I talk to them once a week or once a year.
I should return the phone call to the Midland fundraiser lady so she will stop callling me.
I should call Susan and wish her good luck tomorrow on her second day at her new fab job.
I could go on and on and on obviously since I never call anybody but I'm kinda sleepy so thats it for now.
I do miss my mom and dad though!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Don't Happen Twice
This is my beautiful niece, Natalie, and today she turned 4.
She had a princess party.
She wore a gorgeous purple princess dress.
She received 3 new outfits from Nana and Papa and had to try them all on including the leggins and tights.
She couldn't sleep last night because she was so excited for her princess party.
Her very talented mom made her a homeade castle cake that rivaled any I've seen.
It took her a couple tries to get all the candles blown out but I believe whoever the lucky person is that grants birthday wishes will see her and decide that it doesn't matter that she had to try like 6 times to get them all out, shes too stinking cute to not give her whatever her little heart desires.
Happy Birthday Nat Kat, I hope that you feel the same anticipation and excitement for all your birthdays as you did for this one.
Got a Little Crazy
Although our night was surrounded with young bachelorettes, too short dresses on girls that shouldn't be wearing too short dresses, a movie that wasn't to be, and a george lopez look alike trying to be Rusty I think it was a fabulous night.
I'm happy to report that although I personally didn't think she would make it, bff Kelli met up with us. Thank goodness since it's been awhile since I've taken a Kesha picture...and as you can see by the following photos I am defintiely out of practice.
Kelli's eyes too crazy big~
The girls got up on stage for a little "celebration"
to show those bachelorettes how to do it!
Go Kathie!!
Then our wonderful driver showed up to whisk us back home! All in all a great night with some wonderful friends~Cortnie we got your back!