We spent this past weekend up at my dad's cabin in Wolverine. My dad and Lorraine were there and its always nice to spend some time with them since we don't see them that often. Late on Friday night the Couch's showed up, neither of them had been north of Gladwin so we were excited that we could show them around a bit.
Saturday we got up and headed out to Mackinac Island. We were out the door by 10 ish which is pretty good for 8 people. The weather was awful, until we got to the island, then beautiful skies showed up.
We hiked to Arch Rock and Skull Cave, which was hell on the legs. Personally I had a great time. I think everyone else did too. The kids were great. I'm pretty sure their favorite part was the boat ride over and back.
After a long day we picked up pizza and went back to the cabin. Due to the arrival of the black bear everyone slept in the house, so the back bedroom was full with all 8 of us. Between Jeremy and Mike's snoring, me and Sarah's moaning, and Aaron and lil Sarah squishing each other it was an eventful night.
Hopefully Mike and April enjoyed the little bit of northern Michigan that we were able to show them. I wish that the cabin was closer cause a 4 1/2 hour drive makes it hard to get up there that often. Jeremy and I have already discussed a winter trip, so if your interested dust off your mittens and sleds and get ready for some Wolverine fun!!

Sure wish I could have been there to join in the fun! Glad you guys had a good time.