No pictures for this blog.
I just want to say that I know I complain alot...about my job mainly, but sometimes about my kids, my family, money, Jeremy, cleaning house, Jeremy, etc etc etc.
But I know that the only people that read my blog are people I love and I want all of you to know that I think I have it all.
I'm a lucky girl.
I have a husband who loves me.
Two beautiful children.
A wonderful house over my head.
A job that although is tough right now, I truely love.
Money in the bank (pennies but money nonetheless)
Two parents that may not be married but they are alive and healthy and that both love me even though they know all my flaws.
In-laws that I cherish and feel so lucky to have.
Brothers and Sisters that I may not see or speak to all that much but that I know would be there for me in the drop of a hat.
BFFs that get me through anything anytime and anywhere.
And thats what I wanted you to know.
I'm a lucky girl!
PS I'm keeping my job and I'm going to be a better director than I have ever been before!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Life is Good
We spent this past weekend up at my dad's cabin in Wolverine. My dad and Lorraine were there and its always nice to spend some time with them since we don't see them that often. Late on Friday night the Couch's showed up, neither of them had been north of Gladwin so we were excited that we could show them around a bit.
Saturday we got up and headed out to Mackinac Island. We were out the door by 10 ish which is pretty good for 8 people. The weather was awful, until we got to the island, then beautiful skies showed up.
We hiked to Arch Rock and Skull Cave, which was hell on the legs. Personally I had a great time. I think everyone else did too. The kids were great. I'm pretty sure their favorite part was the boat ride over and back.
After a long day we picked up pizza and went back to the cabin. Due to the arrival of the black bear everyone slept in the house, so the back bedroom was full with all 8 of us. Between Jeremy and Mike's snoring, me and Sarah's moaning, and Aaron and lil Sarah squishing each other it was an eventful night.
Hopefully Mike and April enjoyed the little bit of northern Michigan that we were able to show them. I wish that the cabin was closer cause a 4 1/2 hour drive makes it hard to get up there that often. Jeremy and I have already discussed a winter trip, so if your interested dust off your mittens and sleds and get ready for some Wolverine fun!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Scare Me
So on Saturday we went to kzoo to watch the "Outlaws" play football. Apparently they are the minor league football team that play other teams around west Michigan. Oh there were so many photo ops. There were about 40 guys ranging from about 18 to 35 or so, in every size and color that you can imagine. It was actually a good game, the kids were bored out of their mind but I don't think that either of them are very interested in football.
As you can see Jacob played his DS in his coat through most of the game.
The whole reason we went is because Adam from Jeremy's team plays and Jeremy had been wanting to go to a game for a long time. I'm glad we went there was a lot to see.
Take these gentlemen for example...a MJ wannabe, two guys that were enjoying stretching way to much, and a man that I wouldve ran the other way if I wouldve seen him walking down the street (he was huge)!
This last picture is in honor of the popularity of mohawks with my dear friends lately. He did have one of the best ones I've seen. All in all a very entertaining evening.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Live Those Songs!
So if there was audio to this blog you would hear Taylor Swift BLARING in the background...that is what I found when I discovered Sarah outside with her two neighbor friends. They had the cd player on the ground and they were SCREAMING out the words while they danced. At first I thought this was sooo cute but now as I think about it I am overwhelmed with sadness. Truely my baby Sarah is growing up. All three of them knew the lyrics and were dancing like pros. Soon she'll be wanting to go to concerts and dances and I won't be cool to hang around with anymore. Mesha I'm afraid you're right, the Buschlen house will be the house to come to to PARTY, oh Lord help me!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Lucky Old Sun
So Sarah went to the beach today with her bff, Quinn. I'm sad to say that I think she has developed a allergy to the sun, is that possible? She came home and I noticed red blotches all over her. This isn't the first time. We thought she was allergic to sunscreen but Papa found some that we have used for a couple years with no problem. Over the weekend she was outside without sunscreen and she got all blotchy also. So if she wears sunscreen or doesn't she gets these raised blotchy areas. They all seem to be in the areas she has exposed to the sun. My wonderful friend Cort brought me over some benedryl cause Jeremy isn't home and I couldn't find Jake (long story, no I'm not a bad mom, I had an idea where he was I just wasn't sure)(that still sounds really bad but get over it). Anyhow Cort brought us the med and I gave it to Sarah. While Cortnie and I were talking (about Disney) Sarah went upstairs to her room. A bit later I asked Jake to check on her and sure enough she was in bed sleeping, it was approx 7 pm.
I don't know what to do. Do you think I should take her to the doctor? What do I do if she is allergic to the sun? Any other ideas what it could be?
So I've been checking on her every 15 minutes or so to make sure she is alright. This is how I found her a few minutes ago. Purp up over her head snoring gently. All three of her American Girl dolls close by, Mya sleeping by her feet.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
French Kissing Life
My dumb ass dog jumped the fence again. I put her out to enjoy the day and the kids were in the backyard so I figured she would be ok.
Fast Forward 45 minutes
I'm in the front yard talking to the neighbor lady when I realize that Jacob is riding his bike out front with another neighbor kid and Sarah is painting the driveway with kid paint and the two neighbor girls. Soooooo who's watching Mya.
Yup the little bitch jumped the fence. So Jacob heads off one way to find her, equipped with a leash and doggie treats. Sarah goes the other direction with the neighbor girls screaming loud enough that Fucktard and his cheating hoebag probably could hear them at their house in the next neighborhood. I decided that I really didn't care if she came back so I went in the house to do laundry.
The phone rings, its some friends from a couple roads over that have found our dog and they are bringing her back to us. Damn it!
So now not only is she back but she is filthy dirty and smells like what I assume fucktards house smells like. Ok maybe not that bad but she does stink.
I love having a dog!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Better as a Memory
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I Remember

This man is my grandpa Borowy. I took the kids to see "UP" yesterday. What a good movie. I heard so many different opinions about it. Some said that you had to see it, some said EH, some said bring tissues, some said ok but not Disneys best. I just really thought it was good. I think the squirrel part is overrated but there were other funny moments. But back to why I am blogging about it. The old man was so much like my grandpa Borowy that it made me think of him all night. He has been gone now for many years....but some things you'll never forget about a person. He had the thickest whitest hair I have ever seen. He was the hardest working man I have even met even to this day. He was grumpy but had a soft spot. I wish that I would've had more time to know him. I was young when he died and at that age I didn't realize how cool he was. I often pissed him off, my cousins and I would do things just to razz him. I don't think I ever really talked to him. He was always busy. He had an amazing garden. Two memories I think of often...One Thanksgiving I was making ham roll ups. I was only about 12 or so but I was helping my mom get ready. Grandpa and Grandma came early from Pinconning and Grandpa was sitting at the table watching me. Every time I would get the cream cheese spread and the onion all rolled up and get it cut he would pick up half of it and eat it. I hate making ham roll ups and I was so frustrated that he was eating half of what I was making. I don't think he really wanted any ham roll ups I think he was just doing it to torment me. Now whenever I make those I think of him. I wonder if he knows that. Another memory which is kinda silly, is shortly before he died, sometime that year I think we were at their house and for some reason he was walking around without his shirt on. I mentioned how he had a 6pack and he said go ahead punch me. Of course I said no way but he insisted, so I did. That man had the hardest stomach ever. And seriously at his age he had a rippled belly. He was an amazing man. I wish that I had known him better and I wish that my kids could've known him. So for those of you that have grandparents out there that you don't spend time with or haven't bothered to get to know, do it before its too late.
Monday, July 6, 2009
You Had Me From Hello!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The Good Stuff
So we went to the annual powwow this weekend. I have to say not a real enjoyable time for me. I have no interest in it and I feel real bad about that. I know its part of my kids heritage so that being said I can go once a year and smile about it.

Uncle Marty (Nana's brother)
The part of the weekend that was the best is that the whole family was there. All 17 of us. Jeremy, myself, Jacob, Sarah, Emily, Cole, Elizabeth, Natalie, Nathan, Joel, Sherry, Trinity, Tyanne, Tannis, Jolie, Nana and Papa..I love to watch Nana and Papa when everyone is together, it's like they can't get enough. They don't know who to talk to, who to pay attention to, or who to hug. We spent all weekend together and then this morning after breakfast and after a family picture...we went our seperate ways.

Jeremy, the kids, and I went downtown to the art fair and little shops. We were surprised and happy when we met up with Nana and Papa. We spent the day with them window shopping. We love being with the family but having time to ourselves with Nana and Papa, thats The Good Stuff.
Uncle Marty (Nana's brother)
The part of the weekend that was the best is that the whole family was there. All 17 of us. Jeremy, myself, Jacob, Sarah, Emily, Cole, Elizabeth, Natalie, Nathan, Joel, Sherry, Trinity, Tyanne, Tannis, Jolie, Nana and Papa..I love to watch Nana and Papa when everyone is together, it's like they can't get enough. They don't know who to talk to, who to pay attention to, or who to hug. We spent all weekend together and then this morning after breakfast and after a family picture...we went our seperate ways.
Jeremy, the kids, and I went downtown to the art fair and little shops. We were surprised and happy when we met up with Nana and Papa. We spent the day with them window shopping. We love being with the family but having time to ourselves with Nana and Papa, thats The Good Stuff.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Anything but Mine
Mya often sits at the front door staring out into the wild blue yonder. I often wondered what the heck she was staring at...well this morning I finally got a picture of the little beast that has become her obsession. The pesky little chipmunk. Now my children both love chipmunks because of Chip and Dale of course. Jeremy and I on the otherhand wish that they would all die. This chipmunk in particular has realized that Mya cannot get through the glass so she sits and torments her all day long. Mya stares, frozen in place and that little chipmunk sits out there and eats, sniffs, struts around the porch. I would let Mya out if I didn't think she was gonna tear up my flowers out front trying to get it. So I guess that makes me the bad guy!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
What I Need To Do
What I need to do is get started finalizing our Disney trip. For most of you that know my job situation you know that we may or may not be going. But just cause we might not doesn't mean that I still shouldn't plan. Does that make sense????? Anyhow, people are nuts about dinner reservations so I started making plans tonight. In order to make dinner reservations you have to know what you'll be doing on that particular day. It's so hard to decide which parks to go many things to consider. We have to have one day of rest, so I try to plan that in the middle. Magic Kingdom is our favorite so we usually go there at least twice and always on our first day. Some of the parks have extra magic hours so they are open earlier or stay open later but they don't announce that right away. Like right now they only have the schedule through the end of Sept. So I have our first 2 days planned but can't do anymore. Not only do we have to make our dinner reservations but we (I) have to figure out what we want to see at each park so we don't forget anything. In two trips we still seem to miss the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse, and the jungle cruise. Sarah rode every ride last time but she's gotten smarter since then and there are a few that I think she is going to chicken out on this time, especially the Tower of Terror. Jacob on the other hand can't wait to get back on that ride. Even though I am no fan of Obama I do want to see the Hall of Presidents since it's been updated. I hear its pretty cool. I'm sure that Jeremy will follow along happily, he just likes to be there. My goal this trip is to not buy suvieniers (how the heck do you spell that). I know we'll all get a little something but do we really need anymore stuffed animals. Unfortunetely for the next 90 days I'll be doing alot of Disney blogging, sorry Mesha not much else to be looking forward to.
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