I love CDC.
I love my staff, yes I really do. I love the flexibility, the option to go to the kids schools for special days or garage saleing on Friday mornings lol. I love giving tours and meeting new families. I feel priveleged when they put their trust in me that I am going to make sure that their child gets the best care that they can. Most of all I love the kids. I love being called Mrs. Cole. I love their funny voices, chubby cheeks, big eyes, clumsy walking, funny questions, and so much more.
I'll never regret working at CDC for 7 years, I'll look back and hope that I did some good. I hope that some of the kids remember me. I hope that some of the staff learned something from me, or that I did something for them that they'll remember.
I want to be mean and say that I hope the place falls apart but that would only mean that the kids and families that I have enrolled would suffer and I can't do that. So for their sake I hope that Lakeview CDC continues to be successful and the next director loves them as much as I do.
nobody is going to love them as much as you do. and for my own sake i hope it doesnt fall apart, but we see what happens when you take a day off. you are the glue to that place and they dont realzie it, but hopefully they will.
ReplyDeleteWell you made me cry at work! How much more crap am I and/or my friends and family going to have to suffer? Just know that I will be here for you just like you've been for me! If you are comfortable with it, I'd be more than happy to sit down with you and help take a look at everything moneywise and make some plans for going forward. Hell if all else fails you can come live with me! You and Jeremy can have the sofa sleeper... and we'll have to get bunk beds for the kids' room! lol Call if you need to talk or cry... we need to plan a girls' night at my new place SOON. Love you tons!!